- Hot topic (for discussion); topical subject 热门话题
- Physical fitness is today's hot topic. 保健是当今的热门话题。
- Logistics is a hot topic in China. 中国掀起了物流热。
- The hot topic at the time was keeping mistresses. 当时的热门问题是。
- Attitudes towards this hot topic differ widely. 人们对此热点话题态度不一。
- The green power marketing is a current hot topic. 绿色电力营销是当前探讨的热点问题。
- Metadata integration is a hot topic recently. 元数据集成是近年来的热门问题。
- Implicit learning is ones subject of implicit cognition, which is a hot topic in the current studies of psycholgy. 摘要内隐学习是内隐认知的一个重要内容,是当今心理学界研究的一个重要课题。
- Counter-terrorism is a topical subject. 反恐是一个热门话题。
- Foot- and - mouth disease has become a hot topic of gossip. 口蹄疫成了街谈巷议的热门话题。
- For any Perl programmer, the Perl 6 project is a hot topic. 对所有Perl编程人员而言,Perl 6项目是一个热门话题。
- Leave Your Question, It will be answered, and be a hot topic! 留下你的问题,他将会被解答,也会成为热门话题!
- Youth drug abuse is a hot topic to be discussed at the conference. 青少年吸毒是会议将讨论的热点话题。
- Terrain in computer graphics is certainly a hot topic. 地形在计算机图形学中是个非常热门的话题。
- Diaspora Literature has been a hot topic in recent academic world. “流散文学”近年来逐渐成为国内外学术界关注的一个热点问题。
- Grid is a hot topic in distributed computing nowadays. 网格是当前分布计算研究领域的热点。
- The exciting F1 races has become a hot topic in China. 精彩纷呈的F1赛事已成为中国的热门话题。
- It has been a hot topic about angelica preparation on dysmenorrhea. 摘要近年来,当归治疗痛经的实验和临床研究成为热点。
- The foundational theory of the administrative law is a hot topic. 行政法的理论基础问题一直是一个备受关注的问题。
- Sustainable development is a topic subject today.Many scholars began to research on how to embody the principle of sustainable development during urban renewal and architectural design. 当今可持续发展已成为热门话题,在城市改造和建筑设计中该如何体现这一原则和思想?许多学者已开始从事此问题的研究。