- hot tourist cities 热点旅游城市
- As one of the renowned histrical and cultural cities in China, Kunning is a hot tourist destination located near the southwest border of China. 位于中国的西南边陲,是国务院首批公布的历史文化名城,是著名的旅游胜地。
- Go off the beaten path: Tourist cities may be expensive. 避开热门路线:旅游城市可能很花钱。
- Cooperation shall be enhanced with other cities that will host of some of the Olympics events as well as cities that are normally hot tourist destinations. Some tourist products related to the Olympics shall be jointly designed and jointly promoted. 加强与国内其他奥运会分赛场城市和旅游热点城市之间的合作,联合设计和推广与奥运有关的专项文化旅游产品。
- hot tourist city 旅游热点城市
- Hangzhou is famous as a tourist city. 杭州以旅游城市闻名。
- In addition, the hot flights to popular tourist city, to Haikou, Guiyang, Sanya and Chengdu and other traditional tourist cities of load factor was the rising trend. 此外,热点旅游城市航班继续走俏,前往海口、贵阳、三亚、成都等传统旅游城市的客座率呈不断上升趋势。
- The old town of Lijiang is a hot tourist destination of old town tourism in China. 摘要丽江古城是中国古城镇旅游的热点。
- Kunming,Dali,Jinghong and Ruili are members of the first group of the outstanding tourist cities of China. 昆明、大理、景洪、瑞丽已成为首批“中国优秀旅游城市”。
- Dali, Jinghong and Ruili are members of the first group of the outstanding tourist cities of China. 昆明、大理、景洪、瑞丽已成为首批“中国优秀旅游城市”。
- Xi'an and Xianyang two other tourist cities and between Baoji Expressway and trains connect traffic is very convenient. 西安与另外两个旅游城市咸阳和宝鸡之间有高速公路和火车相连,交通十分便捷。
- Kunming, Dali, Jinghong and Ruili are members of the first group of the outstanding tourist cities of China. 昆明、大理、景洪、瑞丽已成为首批“中国优秀旅游城市”。
- At present, the organizations of travel routes in major hotspot tourist cities of China, in fact, are based on TDD. 目前,中国主要热点城市的游线组织实际上就是依托旅游目的地区域来完成的。
- Madurai actually is a tourist city with many ancient buildings and hot spots.Normally residence here will be less honest and more commercial. 其实这是一个有很多古迹的纯粹的旅游城市,通常这种地方的人会少一些淳朴,多一些势利和唯利是图,不便于让我真正了解这个地方和这里的人。
- My home office is located in Nanling, Nanling also became a famous tourist cities nationwide. 我的家庭办公室位于南岭,南岭也成为全国著名的旅游城市。
- Fuzhou Light opened a month on 10 new routes, many of these new routes leading tourist cities. 光福州一个月就新开通了10条航线,这些新航线多是通向旅游城市。
- Rickshaws (san lun che in Chinese or three wheeled carts) are especially plentiful around Beijing's charming and ancient Houhai lake a hot tourist and nightlife destination in the center of the city. 特别是人力车(在中国叫三轮车)大量充斥在迷人而古老的后海,这个北京城中的热游点和夜生活的地方。
- Abstract: Zhaoqing has been called the "Yan Du of China " that this card, this is a picturesque tourist cities of great charm. 内容摘要:肇庆素有“中国砚都”之称,这张名片,使这座风光如画的旅游观光城市散发出巨大的魅力。
- Leshan is a scenery touristy city. 乐山市是风景旅游城市。
- "Hangzhou is my favorite tourist cities, one of the main reasons I joined Hyatt Hotel Hangzhou is available free housing. “杭州是我最喜欢的旅游城市,我入会的一个主要原因就是可以获得杭州凯悦大酒店的免费住房。”