- She's really hot stuff at tennis. 她可真是网球好手。
- Jack left her to suppose him uncommonly hot stuff at baseball. 杰克让她把他看成是非常优秀的棒球运动员。
- According to the trial the mare was really hot stuff. 根据考验那牝马的确是匹好马。
- hot stuff man 热料工
- Don't underestimate him. He is really hot stuff. 不要低估他,他是个不同凡响的人。
- These new proposals are proving to be hot stuff. 这些新的建议结果证明是有争议性的。
- Our volleyball team is hot stuff this year. 我们的排球对今年出人意料之外地炙手可热
- Gunner see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff! 枪手令阿森纳成为夺冠的热门球队!
- Your sister certainly is hot stuff. 你妹妹的确长得很俊。
- His attack on politicians was really hot stuff. 他对政客们的抨击的确太精彩了。
- Those magazines are real hot stuff. 那些杂志是名副其实的色情刊物。
- It's super hot stuff, Mexican parka, now we have again! 当初超级热卖的墨西哥民族夹克现在又有了!!
- Come on hot stuff! Don't playing too hard on your hair, We'll be late. 快点好吗?别弄你的头发了,我们要迟到。
- Modigliani is a hot stuff in the twenties century on Paris’ painting world. 莫迪里阿尼是二十世纪活跃在巴黎画坛的一位奇才。
- She's hot stuff; she always manages to get her own way,no matter who is inconvenienced. 她为人鲁莽,老是我行我素,不管妨碍了谁全不在乎。
- T0035 MOD is always our hot stuff, now you have a chance to own this new colorway! T0035 MOD一直是我们的热卖款,新颜色上市啦!!
- The innocent-looking scaly avocado is loaded with good stuff to make us look like hot stuff. 洁白的鳞状鳄梨含有的有益物质能使我们看起来气色红润。
- Keymaker: (Blows on key and looks at girls) What's happening hot stuffs? (吹吹钥匙向女孩们谄媚地笑)美眉们,发生啥事儿啦?
- Hot coffee revived the cold, tired man. 热咖啡使这个又冷又累的人恢复了精力。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。