- The weakness of the boiler high pressure steam sterilizer is put forward. The development process and actual application value of the hot steam electrical generator is mainly introduced. 摘要指出使用锅炉高压蒸汽灭菌器的缺点,重点介绍了利用电热蒸汽法进行消毒的研制过程及实际应用价值。
- The weakness of the boiler high pressure steam sterilizer is put forward.The development process and actual application value of the hot steam electrical generator is mainly introduced. 指出使用锅炉高压蒸汽灭菌器的缺点,重点介绍了利用电热蒸汽法进行消毒的研制过程及实际应用价值。
- Development and application of hot steam electrical generator 电热蒸汽发生器的研制及应用
- hot steam electrical generator 电热蒸汽发生器
- Its hot steam shouldn't be wasted, right? 它的热气也不能浪费,对吧?
- Comes from the hot steam of the hot spring below. 就是由下面温泉的热气传上来的。
- In a modern coal burning electric generating plant the steam may be hot enough to ignite wood. 在一个烧煤的现代化发电厂内,蒸汽允许能热到足以把木头点燃起来。
- Temperature Control Technology over Big-bulk Concrete Base of the Steam Electric Generator 汽轮发电机基座底板大体积混凝土温控技术
- Watt's engine also used hot steam, not cold air, to force down the piston. 瓦特的发动机也是利用热空气而不是冷空气带动活塞。
- As the hot steam condenses on the edges, it refreezes and forms icicles. 而高温蒸汽亦会在边缘处凝结,从而形成冰柱。
- In the condenser, hot steam condenses into liquid, the trickle-down pipeline. 在冷凝器里,炽热的蒸汽凝结成液体,滴入管道。
- Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, a nuclear power plant. 哈纳蒸汽电站,一座核电厂。
- The shaft turns an electrical generator which produces electric power. Steam leaving the HP cylinder returns to the boiler, where it is reheated. 轴带动发电机转动并产生电能。离开高压缸的蒸汽返回到锅炉,在那里被再热。
- It has good corrosion-resistance in sea chloride and hot steam, it bears well both and cold working pressure. 在海水、氯化物的过热蒸汽中耐蚀良好,能较好的承受冷热加工。
- The contract was awarded to a consortium of construction and electrical generator companies. 合同给了一个由建筑和发电机公司组成的财团。
- Amid hot steam and sweet smell, the jars of rice wine are all brewed with age-old traditional methods. 蒸腾的热气,浓郁的酒香,一坛坛香醇的美酒,都是用世代相传的古老工艺酿成。
- Do they want to know they can use the electric generator? 他们想知道他们是否能用发电机?
- This steam is used to turn turbine blades of electric generators. 这蒸汽被用来推动发电机的涡轮叶片。
- An electrician was called in to see to the electric generator. 请了一位电工来检修这台发电机。