- What are the hot research areas? 当前的研究热点是什么?
- LBS,Location Based Service is a very hot research topic in recent years. 基于位置信息的服务(LBS,Location Based Service)是近两年来非常吸引人们关注的一个课题。
- Image filtering is a very important and hot research field in image processing. 图像滤波是图像处理中非常重要的技术环节,至今仍是图像处理领域的研究热点。
- Question-Answering is a hot research field in Natural Language Processing, which includes many kinds of NLP technology. 摘要自动问答技术是自然语言处理领域中一个非常热门的研究方向,它综合运用了各种自然语言处理技术。
- The application of Linux in low-end desktop system has been a hot research topic in recent years. Linux 在低端桌面系统上的应用是当前国内外研究的热点。
- The problem of the Party's ruling power and ruling authority is a hot research spot. 摘要党的执政权力与执政权威问题一直是执政党建设研究的热点。
- The effective detection for small targets in low SNR images has becoming a hot research field these years. 摘要低信噪比条件下的小目标检测问题一直是近些年来国内外学者研究的一个热门课题。
- Outlier detection has always been a hot research field in Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). 孤立点检测一直是知识发现(KDD)中一个活跃的领域,如信用卡欺诈,入侵检测等。
- The classification of Acridoidea is always controversial and has been a hot research issue of Orthoptera. 蝗总科昆虫的科级分类一直是个存在争议的问题,也是直翅目昆虫系统发育研究中的一个热点问题。
- Using high-order cumulants to extract wavelet becomes one of the hot research problems in recent years. 将高阶累积量用于地震子波提取成为近几年来热点研究问题之一。
- Ecological compensation is a hot research subject now,and the establishment of it is a complex systematic engineering. 生态补偿是目前研究的一个热门课题,建立生态补偿机制是一项复杂的系统工程。
- Coupling remote sensing data with crop growth models to predict crop yield is a hot research topic. 将遥感信息与作物生长模式结合来预测作物产量,是目前的一个热点研究课题。
- And IBR technology is also a hot research topic in computer graphics at present. 因此它已成为当前计算机图形学研究中的一个热门课题。
- One of the hot research subjects of virtual manufacturing technology is VMT (Virtual Machine Tool). 虚拟机床是虚拟制造技术的热点研究课题之一。
- In speech communication,speech-noise separation is a hard but hot research topic. 语音通信中语音-噪声分离是一项艰巨而热门的研究课题。
- WFMS(Workflow Management System) is now among the hottest research spots. 工作流管理系统是当前的一个研究热点,工作流管理系统安全更是研究和实施工作流系统中不可缺少的问题。
- The computer image emulation is hot research topic. This thesis summarize emulation project experience, give out a general algorithm of adjust hue,saturation and value. 计算机图像仿真是一个热门研究课题,本文总结仿真系统项目的实际经验,介绍了色相、饱和度、明度调整的通用算法。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- Among the many appealing hot research spots in the MA field, in this thesis we lay emphasis on the migration strategy issue in particular. 基于当前对ma技术的研究现状,我们将ma的迁移策略作为本文研究的核心。