- Listen to the sales hot line and follow. 接听销售热线并进行管理跟进.
- Dozen is psychological interpose hot line useful? 打心理干预热线有用么?
- Hot line service has become an integral part of our life. 热线服务已经成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。
- III) Individual responsibility, organized service hot line. 第三:责任到人,成立了服务热线电话。
- After several attempts, he finally got through to the hot line. 经过了几次的尝试,他终于拨通了热线电话。
- Most hot lines are usually free, too. 通常大多数热线也是免费的。
- The Hot Line of Electronic Information in the Archives of Utah, U.S.A. 美国犹他州档案馆的电子信息热线。
- If you want to obtain detailed information, please phone a tourist hot line. 想要了解详情,请拨打旅游热线。
- Clearly, hot lines are no cure for the problem of drug abuse. 显然,连专线电话也无法解决“滥用麻醉品”的问题。
- Except 10 hour* 6 workday hot lines technology stand by. 除10小时*6工作日热线技术支持。
- If the situation it that serious,I'll have to use my hot line to the chairman of the company. 如果形势真是那样严重,我将不得不使用我的热线同公司总裁联系。
- Note: For upgrading to on-site service from2 nd Year or3 rd Year, please contact to our service hot line:2721-0689. * 注意:如欲在第二及第三年升级至上门服务,请联络我们的客户服务热线:2721-0689。
- It is the gardener of the hot line that people all say the rabbi, for this I very feel proud of. 人们都说老师是辛勤的园丁,为此我甚感自豪。
- His telephone is just a hot line: whenever you call him, just hear the signal for the busy line. 他家的电话简直是热线,一打过去就是忙音。
- My colleague from IT dept got through the hot line, someone will replace the motherboard for me today. 后来公司负责IT的同事打通了报修电话,今天会有人为我更换主板。
- Note: For upgrading to on-site service from 2 nd Year or 3 rd Year, please contact to our service hot line: 2721-0689. 注意:如欲在第二及第三年升级至上门服务,请联络我们的客户服务热线:2721-0689。
- The customer service hot line will provide satisfactory response with in 24 hours of the receipt of customer complaint. 客户服务热线在接到客户的咨询和投诉时二十四小时内给予满意答复。
- For Apple Daily establish a hot line, helps reader to solve their computer problem. 为苹果日报写专栏之同时,兼为苹果日报设立热线,帮读者解答电脑疑难。
- A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advisers. 热线是一种电话,它能提供一种直接与咨询者联系的方式。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。