- Oon Monday, I experienced sudden nausea, hot flash, and stabbing chest pains. 周一,我突然反胃,潮热并伴随剧烈的胸部刺痛。
- His teeth have yellowed, different from the first time, or perhaps, like so many, last time I saw the gleam of white in only the hot flashing of lights. 我们桌边不断传来盘子的撞击声及食物的味道,还能看到泰国咖喱和新鲜的蒸饭。
- Risk factors of depression included impatient, palpitation and frequent micturition.Risk factors of anxiety included hot flash, dizziness and palpitation. 更年期症状中,焦躁、心悸和尿频、尿急是更年期抑郁症状的主要危险因素,潮热出汗、眩晕和心悸是更年期焦虑症状的主要危险因素。
- Can alleviate adverse effects related to PMS, including irritability, anxiety, nervousness and mood swings.May reduce hot flash symptoms in menopausal women. 可减轻有关经前症候群的负面影响,包括易怒,焦虑,紧张,与情绪波动;
- With female menopause you gain weight and get hot flashes. 更年期中的女人会发胖,爱发火。
- Hot flashes may be helped by itamin E or SSRI antidepressants. 维生素E或选择性5羟色胺再吸收抑制剂类抗抑郁药能帮助治疗热潮红。
- Indeed, soy is more effective in preventing than alleviating hot flashes. 其实大豆更注重于预防而不是减轻潮热症状。
- Black cohosh, a perennial herb member of the buttercup family, is the most widely used herbal remedy for hot flashes. 黑升麻,毛莨属植物家族中的多年生草本植物成员,是治疗热潮红的最常用草本植物。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- Stop fretting about global warming Mother Nature is going through menopause, but her hot flashes won't last forever. 不要为全球变暖而烦恼了。自然母亲要到更年期了,不过她的热度不会持续很久的。
- This herb is used to treat inflammation, cold sores, hot flashes, delayed menstruation and asthma. 该草本用于治疗炎症、发烧酸痛、潮热、月经延迟与哮喘。
- HRT should only be used by a woman whose hot flashes and night sweats are preenting her from sleeping. 激素替代治疗应该仅仅用于有热潮和夜间盗汗而不能睡眠的女性。
- But she notes that hormone therapy is still the best treatment for seere hot flashes. 但她提醒道,激素疗法仍然是重度潮热的最佳治疗方法。
- Our study indicates that black cohosh is not a promising remedy to treat their hot flashes. 我们的研究提示对于她们的热潮红,黑升麻不是一个值得提倡的疗法。
- The propensity of raloxifene to cause hot flashes precludes its use in women with vasomotor symptoms. 雷洛昔酚有引起潮热的倾向,因此应避免用于有血管舒缩症状的女性。
- They were also asked about the frequency of vasomotor systems such as hot flashes, cold sweats, and night sweats. 她们也会被问到关于出现血管神经症状的频率,如潮热、冷汗和盗汗。
- Foods high in soy protein can lower cholesterol and may minimize menopausal hot flashes and strengthen bone. 富含大豆蛋白的食物能降低胆固醇,减缓更年期潮红及增强骨质。
- The hot weather made me feel lethargic. 炎热的天气使我昏昏欲睡。
- The symptoms associated with " the big M" range from uncomfortable to unhealthy-- night sweats, hot flashes, painful sex and loss of libido. 与 更 年 期 有 关 的 症 状 有 从 不 舒 服 到 生 病 的 各 种 情 况 - - 夜 汗 、 潮 红 、 性 交 痛 疼 与 性 欲 减 退 。