- We receive and host government officials and business delegations from China. 接待中国政府官员考察的项目
- The concession contract establishes a formal relationship of exchange of service and money between the host government and concessionaire. 特许合约建立了政府和特许公司之间金钱与服务上交易的正式关系。
- Many choose to root in Shandong owe to economic factors, enterprises’ own characteristics, the host Government and other factors which are interwound for the rooting. 不少韩资企业选择扎根山东,是经济因素、韩资企业自身特性因素、东道主政府因素和其他因素共同作用的结果。
- Study tours Field trip to US-based trade organizations meeting with host government officials and executives for discussing about the organization structure and activities of the companies. 参观访问有关政府部门和企业,与东道主有关负责人座谈,了解美国有关企业的组织体系,管理模式和经营活动等。
- Overseas branch managers and representatives are responsible for dealings with the host governments. 海外分公司经理及办事处代表负责与所在国政府联系。
- Many host governments offer significant inducements to attract inward foreign direct investment, motivated by the expectation of spillover benefits. 摘要许多东道国政府为吸引外国直接投资提供了各种激励,其动机来源于对溢出收益的预期。
- Welcoming address by the host Government 主办国政府致欢迎词
- Some staff have been slow to blow the whistle on projects they oversaw, not wanting to embarrass host governments, or nervous of more senior loanpushers. 一些员工甚至在审阅项目不再那么认真,因为他们不想开罪主办政府,或者让更多的资深推销员担忧。
- Some staff have been slow to blow the whistle on projects they oversaw, not wanting to embarrass host governments, or nervous of more senior loan-pushers. 一些职员已经逐渐不再举报他们所监视的项目,他们不希望让主办政府陷入困窘,或让更多资深的借贷推销人感到不安。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The host then passed around a box of cigars. 主人这时拿了一盒雪茄烟请大家抽。
- On Foreign Direct Investment and Policy of Host Government 外国直接投资与东道国政府政策
- A host of friend meet him at the railroad station. 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The host team won the game by a nose. 主队以微弱优势赢得比赛。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. 主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府对这场争论的干预不会起作用。
- The evils ensue from lack of a stable government. 这些弊病是由于缺乏一个稳定的政府而引起的。