- Sets the host control interface. 设置主机控件接口。
- Bluetooth host controller interface 蓝牙主控制器接口简析
- host controler interface 主控制器接口
- HCIR1_0A.rar,179KB,下载 31 次,OHCI 规范 Open Host Controller Interface Specification for USB 下载70次,OHCI协议,英文资料。用来开发usb驱动程序。
- Call the Sort method of the Range property of the ListObject host control. 调用ListObject宿主控件的Range属性的Sort方法。
- ActiveX control interface in order to customize the behavior of the control. ActiveX控件接口,从而对控件行为进行自定义。
- Gets or sets the site of the hosted control. 获取或设置寄宿的控件的站点。
- Host controls also extend Office objects by enabling data binding. 宿主控件还通过启用数据绑定来扩展Office对象。
- Host controls can also be added and removed at runtime. 宿主控件也可以在运行时添加和移除。
- This enables you to create the host controls in response to events. 控件。这使您能够为响应事件而创建宿主控件。
- As touched on above, you can speak to Advisor Ghrim to bring up the Kingdom control interface. 当做简略提及上方,你能跟顾问Ghrim说话提出王国控制接口。
- However, there is no way to cast a native Office object to its corresponding host item or host control. 但是,无法将本机Office对象强制转换为与之对应的宿主项或宿主控件。
- Mili remote control all source code and support camera control interface well-written, very easy to use. 详细说明:米莉远程控制全部源代码,支持摄像头,控制界面写得不错,使用很方便。
- The hardware circuit of this system is composed of collector, host control machine and PC. 该系统的硬件电路由采集器、控制主机和上位PC机组成。
- UNI is the service control interface between the user devices and the transport network. 用户网络接口(UNI)是用户设备和传送网络之间的服务控制接口。
- When you close the document, any dynamically created host control disconnects its events and data binding functionality. 关闭文档时,任何动态创建的宿主控件都会断开其事件和数据绑定功能。
- A call control interfaces was called with invalid data. 用无效数据调用了一个调用控制接口。
- There are no HI-SPEED USB host controllers installed on this computer. 这台计算机上没有安装高速USB主控制器。
- Host controls enable you to do simple data binding or complex data binding. 使用宿主控件可以进行简单的数据绑定或复杂的数据绑定。
- The Media Control Interface (MCI) provides standard commands for playing multimedia devices and recording multimedia resource files. 媒体控制接口(MCI)提供了播放多媒体设备以及录制多媒体资源文件的标准命令集合。