- horny claw 角质爪
- The old gardener had horny hands. 老园丁有一双粗硬的手。
- Excessive growth of horny tissue of the skin. 角质疣皮肤角质组织的过度生长的部分
- Enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa. 壳内的封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹
- Many farmers' hands are horny from work. 许多农人的手因工作而起硬茧。
- Claw marks, from a big cat, most likely a cougar. 留下的爪印,源自大型猫科动物,很可能是一只美洲狮。
- A hand, claw, talon, or paw in the act of grasping. 手,爪做抓取动作的手、螯、爪
- Of, resembling, or bearing a hoof, nail, or claw. 爪的;指甲的属于、像或有蹄、指甲或爪的
- Each finger ends with a sharp claw. 每个指头的末端都长有锐利的爪子。
- The horny part of a horse's hoof. 蹄槽马蹄的角状部分
- Intoxicating rhapsody became a scratching claw. 令人陶醉的狂想曲成了撕心的利爪。
- Many farmers'hands are horny from work. 许多农人的手因工作而起硬茧。
- Some women hate coming home to a horny husband. 有些女性讨厌回家面对好色的丈夫。
- Made of horn or a hornlike substance; horny. 角质的用角质或类似角质的物质制成的;角质的
- The eagle is clasping arrows in its other claw. 在另一只鹰爪里紧握着箭。
- I had to claw my way to where I am today. 我只有一路奋斗才有今天。
- There's a branch of an live tree in one claw. 一只鹰爪里紧握着一支橄榄枝。
- It holds thirteen arrows in the other claw. 另一只爪子托着13支箭。
- A localized thickening and enlargement of the horny layer of the skin. 鸡眼,老茧皮肤角质层的局部增厚和增大。
- Equip: Reduce the energy cost of Claw and Rake by3. 效果:使你的爪击和扫击所消耗的能量降低3点.