- The pressure is P, the velocity is V. 压力为p,流速为V。
- B. It is P&O that Maersk merged last week. 马斯基航运上星期兼并的就是铁行渣华.
- T h is p rob lem ha s la stedfo r a cen tu ry and ha lf. 由于两位谈话人在那个年代都是首脑且在香港要回归的大背景之下,因此他们的语言必须准确、鲜明、正式。以上举例表明政论文的翻译中无论是汉英还是英汉翻译,都应充分考虑政论文的特点、文体、语境等各种因素。
- A prefix meaning a trillionth or one-millionth of one-millionth Symbol is p. --一个前缀,代表一万亿分之一或百万分之一,百万分之一的符号是P。
- The letter after o is p. 字母o的後面是p。
- For this topology, the maximum delay is P, which is 15 minutes if you use the default settings. 对于本拓扑,最大延迟为P,如果使用默认设置,则为15分钟。
- Jon Zug is p cute a prosecutor in Albemarle County, where the university is located. 乔恩咋克是阿尔伯马尔县的检察官,该县有所大学。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- P&G's edge over the competition, the advantage that's hardest to duplicate, is P&G people. 宝洁在竞争方面的优势在于他拥有其他公司难以复制的特点,就是宝洁的员工。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- Computer Image Processing System for cone-pl ate rolling model which forms endothelial cell-platelet thrombus in vitro is p resented in this paper. 我们开发了一套计算机图像处理系统,用于定量分析体外锥-板血流模拟装置实验中内皮细胞-血小板的相互作用。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Every modern DSLR has the following settings on the camera: there is “P”, then “TV”, “AV” and “M” on every camera that I am aware of. 据我所知,每个数字单反相机上都有这样的拍摄模式:P程序模式,Tv快门优先模式,Av光圈优先模式和M手动模式。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。