- horned fiddle 喇叭弦
- The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 云雀在空中飞翔,蜗牛伸出触角爬行。
- Liked to fiddle with all the knobs and dials. 喜欢瞎搞所有的旋钮和转盘
- I felt as fit as a fiddle after my walking holiday. 我经过假期徒步旅行,身体极好。
- He came back with a face as long as a fiddle. 他板著脸回来了。
- He plays second fiddle to Mr. White. 他充当怀特先生的副手。
- I have to play second fiddle to him. 我只好给他当副手。
- The rhinoceros has one horn on its nose. 犀牛鼻子上有一个角。
- He horned in with some suggestions while we were talking. 我们正在讨论时,他打断我们的话提出一些建议。
- He sounded his horn to warn the other driver. 他按喇叭提醒对方司机。
- The handle of this knife is made of horn. 这把刀的柄是用角制成的。
- Perhaps it was because Nero played the fiddle, they burned Rome. 大概是因为尼禄拉了小提琴,所以他们把罗马焚毁了。
- The driver hooted his horn (at us). 司机(冲著我们)鸣喇叭。
- The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend. 开车的人在快要转弯时按响了喇叭。
- The young bull horned the old cow out of the herd. 小公牛用角把老母牛从牛群中顶了出去。
- He was fit as a fiddle when he came back from abroad. 他从国外回来时身体很好。
- He got a fell mark in English and lifted up his horn. 他英语考了满分,于是便趾高气扬起来。
- His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career. 他因从政而把家庭置於次要地位。
- That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle. 那老者年近九旬,但身体十分硬朗。
- He has to play the second fiddle. 他不得不充当副手。