- In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her. 在一串尖声鸣叫的喇叭声中,他快速地跑向她。
- Risk for hearing damage depends on sound level and exposure time," a statement said. 一项报告表示,听力损害的风险取决于音量和暴露时间。
- Horn sounded, immediately set sail. 号角响起,即刻起航。
- SLOW:The time response of 1 second specified in sound level meter standards, used to facilitate visual averaging of relatively steady signals. 缓慢:反应的时间一秒指明声级计标准,用于促进视觉平均的相对稳定的信号。
- FAST:The time response of 125 milliseconds specified in sound level meter standards, used to more accurately follow rapidly fluctuating signals. 快:反应时间125毫秒指明声级计标准,使用更多准确地贯彻急剧波动信号。
- A motorcar horn sounded just outside, then again at the gate. 汽车喇叭在园子里响,而且响出去了。
- Ring occasionally one car horn sound twice, then closed the voice of parking, as well as gradually disappearing footsteps far, all calm restored soon. 偶尔响过一两声汽车鸣笛声,然后是停车关门的声音,以及渐行渐远消失的脚步声,一切很快又恢复了平静。
- Normalizes sound levels of DVD. 6. 标准化 DVD 的声音等级。
- For continuous monitoring of noise, sound level monitors are installed on site for round-the-clock measurement. 为了不断监察噪音水平,数码港地盘内会装设音量监测器,廿四小时进行测量。
- A new way was established to adjust the heald level time according to the situation while the receiver retreating from the shed. 提出了以接纬剑退出梭口的距离。来确定综平时间的调机方法。
- The major sources of urban traffic noise in our country are the vehicular horns. In order to evaluate the contribution of horn sound to urban traffic noise, this paper presents a simulated model of "equivalent noise vehicle". 在我国城市交通噪声中较大的声源是车辆的喇叭;为了计算喇叭声对城市交通噪声的作用;本文设想了一种“噪声当量车”模型.
- The result indicates that this method is effective and utility to recognize the sudden change which is led by man or nature in tide level time series. 结果表明,文中所用的方法对识别人为或自然因素引起的潮位时间序列中的突变成份是有效的,具有一定的实用价值。
- If the volume level is too high, the speaker protection circuit activates, and the sound level drops suddenly. 如果音量电平太高,扬声器保护电路即起作用而突然地减小声音。
- Added a new 'Sound Levels' option under sound options. 在声效选项里增加了新的声音等级选项。
- Place the purchase order and follow up the implementation of the P/O. Keep the inventory at the sound level. 签发采购订单,跟踪订单的执行,将库存控制在合理的水平。
- The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments, inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices. 解放后的黑人自己练习学会了吹奏这些管乐器。他们还创造性地把圆号的腔调吹得类似人的声音。
- Adopts step wave method to measure the timeaverage sound level(equivalent continuous sound level) of the sound level meter. 采用阶梯波法;测试了声级计的时间平均声级;即等效连续声级Leq功能;并对实测值和理论值进行比较.
- The freed slaves taught themselves to play these wind instruments,inventing their own methods of relating horn sounds to the sounds made by human voices. 解放后的黑人自己练习学会了吹奏这些管乐器。他们还创造性地把圆号的腔调吹得类似人的声音。
- The research results indicate that the compressor sound quality is mainly affected by A-weighted sound level loudness and sharpness. 研究结果表明,压缩机噪声声品质主要受A声级、响度和尖锐度的共同影响。
- The overall construction of the virtual Sound Level Meter(SLM),the composition of its software system and the division of the components are int. 心电信息管理系统与虚拟式心电图仪结合 ,使其成为该仪器的一个组成部分 ,不仅提高了它的使用价值 ,也增强了仪器的功能。