- horizontal bar code 横条码
- A horizontal bar, line, or stripe. 水平横杆,水平线,水平条
- Guangzhou Jeasun Bar Code Technology CO., LTD. 广州市杰诚条码科技有限公司。
- A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts. 吊架一根从两根平行的绳子悬挂下来的水平的短棍,用于体育锻炼或杂技表演
- Now, add fields for the address and bar code. 现在,添加地址和条码域。
- A: Bar code is so popular these days. 现在条形码很流行。
- Heddles will be bound between another horizontal bar and warps. 综线将被缠绕在另一个横木和经线之间。
- The salesclerk scans the bar code . 然后售货员扫描这个条形码。
- Parrot Caique KaKa is playing gym and horizontal bar! 小凯克挑战邹凯,要做新单槓王!
- Bar charts display data as sets of horizontal bars. 条形图将数据显示为多组水平条形。
- A horizontal bar over a particle symbol is used to designate the antiparticle. 粒子符号上加一横,用来表示反粒子。
- Does the software support Bar Code Scanning to ring up items? 软件支持条形码符合格律把项目记入收款机吗?
- A black horizontal bar appears next to entries with conflicting times. 如果时间冲突,那么该条目旁边会显示一个黑色横条。
- There is a bar code label attached on the centigrade thermometer. 一枚条形码标签系在摄氏温度计上。
- The taskbar is the long horizontal bar at the bottom of your screen. 任务栏是位于屏幕底部的水平长条。
- A vertical or horizontal bar containing a scroll thumb and nudge buttons. 一个纵向或横向的包含了卷轴和按钮的条状控件。
- The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum! 世界上最早有条形码标记的商品是箭牌香口胶;
- The shop assistant scanned the bar code to check the price. 店员对条形码扫描以核对价格。
- You can obtain bar code fonts from a variety of companies. 您可以从各种公司获得条码字体。