- We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。
- She had an eye for the beauty of nature. 她有鉴赏自然美的眼力。
- She hasn't much feeling for the beauty of nature. 她对大自然的美缺少鉴赏力。
- I think we shall drink to the bounty of nature. 我想我们应该为造物主的慷慨赐予而乾杯。
- Time horizon of pricing decisions. 定价决策之时间长度。
- You have no feeling for the beauty of nature. 你对大自然的美缺乏欣赏力。
- Let the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace. 让孤独将寂静隔离在远远的地平线上。
- It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge. 这超过了当前的知识水平的范围。
- A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature. 有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。
- I think we should drink to the bounty of nature. 我想我们应该为造物主的慷慨赐予而乾杯。
- He is interested in the laws of nature. 他对自然界法则很有兴趣。
- Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment. 一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。
- A child of nature; a child of the Sixties. 作为自然产物的人; 六十年代的人
- Higher education widens the intellectual horizon of young people. 高等教育开阔了年轻人的精神视野。
- Chiefly the enlargement of the heart broadens the horizon of life. 生活的地平线是随着心灵的开阔而变得宽广的。
- All these latter features Husserl calls the ’horizon‘ of the act. 所有这些后面的特性,胡塞尔称之为行为的“视域”。
- This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm. 这个小岛包含著小而完整的自然界。
- An event inexplicable by the laws of nature; a miracle. 奇迹自然规律无法解释的事实; 奇迹
- Mankind have been trying every means to maintain the balance of nature. 人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡。
- We visited a museum of natural history. 我们参观了一个自然博物馆。