- hopsack tweed 粗纺板司花呢
- A tweed texture trench coat is very "in" now. 斜纹软呢织纹的风衣外套现在很流行。
- Never wear tweed coat and flannel trousers. 千万不要穿花呢上衣配法兰绒裤。
- A. He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 注释4.;另外,人的神情也能体现一个人的形象。
- Tweed is one of the best men's suiting. 粗花呢是一种最好的男装衣料。
- Martha was wearing a heavy tweed coat. 玛莎穿著一件花呢厚大衣。
- A tweed texture trench coast is very "in"now. 斜纹软呢织纹的风衣外套现在很流行。
- I bought a skirt length of tweed. 我买了一段够做一条裙子的花呢料。
- We present you the Everybody Mid Lux Tweed. 我们提出您大家中间勒克斯花呢。
- He looks casual just wearing a tweed suit. 他穿了一件花格子衬衫,看上去很随便。
- We want Berwick Upon Tweed back. 141 个新帖(共 141 个) Fred J.
- It was a miniskirt in beige[18]) tweed[19]). 那是一条米色的斜纹软呢迷妳裙。
- Tweed: Kent. Have you got the latest notice? 特威特:肯特,得到最新通知了吗?
- This world Who so loved the tweed? 这世上还有谁如此的爱花呢?
- Denim was also worn with tweed or a dash of evening attire. 粗斜棉布衣服同样可以跟粗花呢衣服配套穿着,或是配上一件小巧的晚装。
- He wore a brown tweed jacket,his bathing suit,and nothing else. 他穿着棕色的呢夹克,里面穿着游泳衣, 再没有别的什么了。
- Flower symbolizes the beautiful, who does not love tweed? 花象征着美好,有谁不爱花呢?
- This is how 5,000,000,000 tweed, Ma is definitely a good plan. 这50亿怎么花呢,马云是肯定计划好了。
- I happened to mention Mr. Priestley's old tweed jacket to a young American. 我偶尔对一个年轻的美国人提到过普里斯特科先生的那件旧的短上衣。
- I mean all I need is a monocle, a bowler hat, a tweed suit and I’m all set. 我指的是我所需要的就是一个单片镜、一个圆顶帽、一套粗花呢西装,这样我就都搞定了。