- the outlook for honor and dishonor education 荣辱观教育
- outlook for honor and dishonor education 荣辱观教育
- honors and dishonors education 荣辱观教育
- Displays the main channel function of the campus'culture, to strengthen university student's socialism outlook for honor and dishonor education 发挥校园文化的主渠道作用加强对大学生的社会主义荣辱观教育
- Abstract: Socialist concept honors and dishonors as a moral norm should be practiced. 文章摘要: 社会主义荣辱观必须在道德践行中学习。
- Leaders are vital for the establishment and practice of the outlook of socialist honor and dishonor. 社会主义荣辱观的树立和实践,领导干部是关键。
- Simultaneously it discusses the ways to strengthen the young people's socialism outlook for honor and dishonor. 扎实推进社会主义荣辱观教育是当前加强青少年思想道德建设的迫切要求。
- The choice lies between death and dishonor. 必须在死和羞辱之间作一抉择。
- On Enforcing the Education of College Students'Socialism Honors and Dishonors 对加强大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的思考
- outlook for honors and dishonors in the new era 新时期荣辱观
- The being who has conquered the mind, transcending the dualities of cold, heat, happiness, distress, honor and dishonor is firmly established with the Ultimate Consciousness within. 已经征服了心意的人,他就超越了物质的二元性,无论冷热,喜悲,荣辱对他来说都是一样的,他就在内在的根本意识(觉知)中稳固地确立起来。
- the concept of honors and dishonors 荣辱观
- You do the honors and pour out the tea. 你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。
- Philosophical Interpretation of Enhancement of Education on the Concept of Honors and Dishonors for College Students 对大学生加强荣辱观教育的哲学解读
- socialism conception of honor and dishonor 荣辱观
- socialism honor and dishonor views 社会主义荣辱观
- You have to choose between death and dishonor. 你须在死与失节间做一选择。
- socialist outlook on honor and dishonor 荣辱观
- The soldier's brave deeds brought him honor and glory. 士兵的勇敢事迹为他带来了荣耀和赞美。
- socialist concept of honor and dishonor 社会主义荣辱观