- homogeneous necrosis 同质性坏死
- The state or quality of being homogeneous. 同质同质或相似的性质或状态
- Is the Universe Homogeneous on Large Scale? 宇宙在大尺度上是均匀的吗?
- To undergo or cause to undergo necrosis. 坏死引起坏的和使发生坏死
- The homogeneous fluid considered is in motion. 所考虑的均质流体处于运动状态。
- A dispersion of an originally homogeneous people. 向国外散居原本同一种民族人民的散居
- Of the vessels, leading to rupture and necrosis. 破裂和坏死。
- No hepatocyte necrosis was found in groups B and C. B、C组再灌注后均无肝细胞坏死。
- Renal biopsy revealed acute tubular necrosis. 肾活检 3例均为急性肾小管坏死。
- Relational data is regular and homogeneous. 关系数据是规则且同构的。
- Thyroxin T3,T4.(5)Tumor necrosis factor(TNF). 甲状腺素T3、T4; (5)肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)。
- The absence of a large homogeneous home market? 缺少巨大的本土同质市场?
- Microscopically, fat necrosis is seen here. 镜下:脂肪坏死。
- Japan has a largely homogeneous population. 日本的人口基本上同属一 个种族。
- This is an example of coagulative necrosis. 本图为凝固性坏死。
- Was the universe not homogeneous on average? 平均来说,宇宙是不均匀的吗?
- The probe could detect 10pg homogeneous DNA. 敏感性检测结果表明地高辛标记的核酸探针可检出10pg的同源DNA.
- Something that is not homogeneous or uniform. 不均匀、不统一的东西
- Smooth. HN : Hexagonal Network. H : Homogeneous. 光滑。HN:多边形网纹龟裂。H:均匀。
- Death or decay of one part of a living body; gangrene or necrosis. 坏疽一个活的生物体的某一部位的坏死或毁灭;坏疽或枯斑