- home productivity software 家庭生产性软件
- China Standard Home Product Pencil Co., Ltd. 中国第一铅笔股份有限公司。
- Familiar with computer networking and office productivity software. 熟悉电脑网络和办公室生产率软件。
- Good knowledge in big structure design, especially out of home product. 具有大型结构设计经验,最好有户外产品设计经验。
- Design develop the production software of related product. 相关产品的生产软件的设计开发;
- Ningbo sanbang home products co., Ltd. 宁波三邦日用品有限公司。
- However, most enterprise and productivity software lends itself pretty well to keyboard commands. 不过,目前多数商业和生产性的软件也都有很好的键盘命令。
- PANTONE Color Data and/or Software shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory unless as part of the execution of Adobe Creative Suite product software. 请注意,即使本指南不是随包含最终用户许可协议的软件一起分发的,本指南中的内容也受版权法保护。
- Additionally, the illegal display problems of food commodities had occurred frequently. (place produced, best-before date, and distinction between imports and home product, etc. 另外,食品的非法标识问题经常发生(包括产地、有效期及进口和国产的差别)
- Comdex China is exhibited is home product of the biggest IT and one of technical exhibitions, it emphasizes particularly on to reach Internet product in IT mainly. Comdex China展是国内最大IT产品及技术展览之一,它重点侧重在IT及互联网产品。
- Microsoft information technology (IT) not only provides traditional IT functions for the company, but also acts as the company's first customer for each new server and business productivity software release. Microsoft信息技术(IT)不仅为贵公司提供了传统的IT功能,而且还为每个新服务器和业务效率软件的发布充当了贵公司的第一个客户。
- Ballmer said Microsoft can also drive growth from its bread-and-butter software products like the Windows operating system and Office productivity software. 微软公司说,微软也可以驱动经济增长的面包和黄油软件产品,如视窗操作系统和Office生产力软件。
- All production software in XP is built by two programmers, sitting side by side, at the same machine. 在XP所有的产品软件都是由两个程序员并排坐在一起,在同一台机器上共同完成的。
- There are some homely products like a Jeep station wagon. 有一些很平常的产品,象客货两用吉普车。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- For poor women "home production" can also include such grueling chores as gathering firewood and carrying water. 对于穷人家的妇女来说,她们的家务通常还包括砍柴挑水等生活。
- Gothic ©2007 by Pluto 13 GmbH, Ruhrallee 63, Essen, Germany.Published by JoWooD Productions Software AG, Pyhrnstrasse 40, 8940 Liezen. 哥特王朝3:起源是每个手机玩家的最爱,并可保证给你数小时纯粹的游戏乐趣!
- My bike is a home product. 我的自行车是国产的。
- Our company supplies kinds of home products,such as trolley, shoe rack ,overdoor hanger,etc. I am su... 发布者:王家科所在地:浙江宁波市行业:家居用品职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上