- home cooking; home furnishings; home care for the elderly. 家常菜;家具;在家里照顾老人。
- home cooking; home furnishings; home care for the elderly 家常菜;家具;在家里照顾老人
- Home cooking; home furnishing. 家常菜;家具
- home cooking; home furnishings. 家常菜;家具
- Thinking on the Growth of EW Home Furnishings Ltd. EW家居用品公司的成长考虑
- Chinese home cooking must be more delicious. 中国的家常菜一定更可口。
- This is not take-away food! This is home cooking. 这不是快餐,这是家常饭。
- I do miss my home cooking a lot. 我很想吃家里烧的饭菜。
- Jason: Well they did have that big sale on home furnishings. 杰森:可是那儿正在进行家庭饰品大展销。
- The fare in this hotel is almost as good as home cooking. 这家旅馆的饭菜几乎和家里做的一样好。
- The student was glad to be home and enjoy some real home cooking. 那个学生很高兴能够待在家里享受一些真正的家乡菜。
- Let's make a survey about the fast food and home cooking. 让学生做一份关于快餐和家庭餐的调查。
- Having a fresh herb box makes home cooking much more enjoyable. 有一个新鲜的药草盆,让居家烹饪变得有趣许多。
- The end uses for rotor-spun yams include apparel, home furnishings and industrial fabrics. 气流纺纱线的最终用途包括服用纺织品、室内装饰用纺织品及产业用纺织品。
- Did you enjoy my home cooking? 你喜欢我的家常菜吗?
- Not a decent home furnishings, the only one sent to the wife's mother or the old television set. 家里没有一件像样的家具,惟一的一个旧电视机还是丈母娘送的。
- Home cooking is more relaxed but dining out is a fun and social experience. 虽然在家吃饭很舒服,但在外面吃很有趣,也是一种社交经历。
- MEIYUSHENG Art and Crafts Co., Ltd. is specialty manufacturer of home furnishings make of natural fabric. 上海美裕晟经贸发展有限公司是一家专业的家饰用品生产及外销的实体。
- It wasn't easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy home cooking. 母亲给她吃易饱的家常菜,她想减掉婴儿肥可是很难。
- Qualified cabinetmaker and international trader of Chinese art, handcrafts and home furnishings. 拥有英国专业家具制作师资质。