- As God is the only holy person, so scripture is the only holy book. 如同上帝独一神圣的位格,圣经亦是独一神圣的书籍。
- Yasha had read in some holy book that Abraham had worshipped the sun before accepting the existence of Jehovah. 雅夏在某一本圣书上看到亚伯拉罕在皈依上帝以前崇拜太阳的。
- It might be with a gun, an army, a holy book, a law, an invisible free market hand. 可以用枪,用军队,用圣经,用法律,用无形的市场手段。
- And you hope that more Tibetan compatriots have the chance to own and read this unique apocalyptic holy Book, your support will be warmly welcomed. 如果您愿意让更多的藏族人民能早日读到并拥有这一本来自独一真神启示的圣书,我们欢迎您的支持。
- At each corner is a minaret (prayer tower), and passages from the Koran, the Muslim holy book, adorn the outside walls. 它的每一个转角都有一个尖塔(礼拜塔),内部墙壁由古兰经(穆斯林的圣书)的章节装饰。
- Yuan Gong, the deacon of the Mi Shu Ge in the heaven, opened the shrine and took the holy book to the human's world. 天宫“秘书阁”执事人员袁公私取天书下凡,因泄露天机,触犯了天条,玉帝罚他终身看守石壁天书。
- As the rabbi quietly read from Psalm 122, both he and Mr.Obama flipped through a Holy book on a wooden stand. 当拉比平静的读过圣歌122节后,他和拉比共同浏览了木架上的圣书。
- Technology is proving to be a friend of the Holy Books. 事实还证明,技术也是圣经的朋友。
- This religion cannot be traced to a specific founder nor does it have a "holy book" as a basic scriptural guide. 这种宗教无法追溯到一个特定的创始人,也没有一本“圣书”作为基础指引。
- Sikhism is open to all through the teachings of its ten Gurus enshrined in the Sikh Holy Book and Living Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. 锡克教开放铭记在锡克教圣典和活古鲁《什礼·古鲁·格兰特·萨荷伯》里十位古鲁的所有教导。
- Religious services, which include hymn-singing, readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning. 该庙逢星期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。
- Any holy book can be misinterpreted as a textbook for treating women like dogs and men who do this are a shame on their culture and their religion . 任何圣书都可以对如狗般活着的女人说成是教科书,而男人这么做是对他们的文化和宗教的一种耻辱。
- The holy book of Islam,the Qur'an,which Muslims turn to for guidance says,"Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you,but do not attack them first. 回教徒遵循的《可兰经》说:“为上帝而对抗侵犯你的人,但不要先攻击他们。
- You have cleverly rationalized what the gurus and holy books have taught you. 你很聪明地把古鲁或者圣典上所教导的东西合理化了。
- Religious services,which include hymn-singing,readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest,are held every Sunday morning. 该庙逢星期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。
- The prisoners do not need library privileges to read the Islamic holy book, the Koran, which is a "basic issue item" that each prisoner keeps in his cell, she said. 洛里还说,这里的囚犯们无须经过图书馆特许就可以阅读伊斯兰圣经《可兰经》--这本经书是每个囚犯身边必备的“基本物品”。
- Freedom Party MP Geert Wilders had been invited to show his controversial film - which links the Islamic holy book to terrorism - in the UK's House of Lords. “政府反对一切形式的极端主义”,英国政府在去年十月的一份声明中如是说。此后,就拒绝那些“不可接受的行为”人士入境问题,英国政府加强了法规管理。
- Wilders 15-minute film, which was released over the Internet Thursday, intersperses scenes of recent terrorist attacks with verses from the Koran, Islam's holy book. 威尔德斯这部星期四在互联网上开始播映的15分钟的电影将最近恐怖分子发动的袭击的情景配上伊斯兰教圣书古兰经的经文。
- The vice chairman of the Muslim Association said what happened on Sunday was against the spirit of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and of Uyghur tradition and religion. 穆斯林协会副主席说,周日发生的一切违背了可兰经的精神,可兰经是维吾尔传统信奉的伊斯兰教的圣经。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。