- When I say ..."I am a Christian," I'm not holier than thou. 当我说......"我是基督徒," 我不是不比你更圣洁。
- Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. 且对人说,你站开吧,不要挨近我,因为我比你圣洁。
- The holier than thou attitute which they adopt towards anyone who doesn't have children is too deeply ingrained. 他们对没有子女的人所持的轻蔑态度是太根深蒂固了。
- Tuson: It’s quite easy to fall over into that sort of trap for being a bit holier than thou. 图森:很容易就会掉进一个自命清高的陷阱里。
- The human emulating this archetypal patterning will be “holier than thou” and preach extreme morals, especially surrounding sex. 这类原型模式者将会“比你还要圣洁”,并会鼓吹极端道德,尤其围绕性而言。
- When those who earn their livings by writing for popular newspapers find themselves under attack, they counter-accuse their accusers of being 'holier than thou', of smugness, of hypocrisy. 当那些靠为大众报纸撰稿谋生的人发觉他们自己受到攻击时,他们回击攻击者们,说他们假装正派,自命不凡,伪善。
- holier than thou 伪善的,假正统的
- Only less free than thou, O uncontrollable! 仅次于,哦,仅次于不可控制的你;
- In such a situation, anybody can claim to be holier than money. 一项被称作“谷歌设备”的新技术,将使得这套软件在没有网络连接时也可以使用。
- Of longing, yearning sth for better, nobler and holier than it knows before. 每个人都有向往的时候;渴望比以前更美好;更高贵;更神圣的东西.
- What is man than thou art mindful of him?and the son of man,that visitest him? 也许爱一个人很简单,但是总想起的还是他好,还是那个他没有任何毛病。
- I was sitting up to sleep, actually; I meditated all night at that time. I was holier than I am now, believe me! 那时候我真的是坐著睡觉,我整夜打坐,比现在还诚心,你们信不信?
- "I am a Christian," I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace somehow. 当我说。"我是基督徒,"我不是比你更圣洁。我只是个普通的罪人有幸接受了天主的美好恩典。
- I lay in sackcloth and ashes.What is man than thou art mindful of him?and the son of man,that visitest him? 美貌与学历、富有的家庭等等总是让她备受人们的关注,因为是从小无忧无虑长大的“公主”,所以她是个自我主义者。
- There is not a but has its moments of longing, yearning for something better, nobler and holier than it knows before. 每个人都有向往的时候,渴望比以前更美好,更高贵,更神圣的东西。
- Emilia. Do thy worst: This deed of thine is no more worthy heaven Than thou wast worthy her. 爱米利娅随你把我怎麽样吧。你配不上这样的好妻子,你这种行为是上天所不容的。
- There is not a heart but has its moments of longing,yearning for something ?better,nobler and holier than it knows before. 每个人都有向往的时候,渴望比以前更美好,更高贵,更神圣的东西。
- Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, that thou canst not understand. 你必不见那强暴的民,就是说话深奥,你不能明白,言语呢喃,你不能懂得的。
- There is not a heart but has its moments of longing , yearning for something better, nobler and holier than it knows before. 每个人都有向往的时候;渴望比以前更美好;更高贵;更神圣的东西.
- Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive; of a stamme***ng tongue, that thou canst not understand. 19你必不见那强暴的民,就是说话深奥,你不能明白,言语呢喃,你不能懂得的。