- "What else do you see?" asked the captain after a moment of silence. "你还看见什么?"上尉沉默了片刻后又问。
- A moment of silence followed this triple proposal. 随着这三个建议而来的是一阵沉默。
- There followed a moment of silence. 紧接着一阵沉默。
- The activists hold candles during a moment of silence in Sofia, Bulgaria. 在活动期间举行了在保加利亚的索非亚蜡烛默哀。
- hold a moment of silence 默哀
- It included a moment of silence on the Virginia Tech campus at noon. 其中包括中午在弗吉尼亚理工大学校园里的一个默哀仪式。
- Then everyone present took a moment of silence to pray for world peace. 接着,在场的每一个人皆为世界和平默祷片刻。
- Would it be seemly to have a moment of silence for the Iraqi corpses? 如果我们为伊拉克阵亡战士默哀片刻,会不会不大礼貌?
- Tel Cabanatuan had a moment of silence, only to hear her mother's voice wept. 从前有个小伙子患了无法治愈的癌症。18岁的他随时都面临着死亡的威胁。
- There was a moment of dead silence. 一时鸦雀无声。
- All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the Hiroshima bombing. 所有人都准时低头为在长岛爆炸中的死难者默哀一分钟。
- Let us observe a moment of silence for those who are not able to be so thankful. 让我们为那些无法心存感激的人们静默片刻。
- After a moment of cranking the motor finally kicked over. 用手柄摇了一阵后,马达终于发动起来了。
- A moment of silence today in Great Britain as that nation remembers those killed in last year's mass transit bombings. 在英国今天默哀作为国人纪念这些去年地下爆炸死亡的人。
- Now they shared a moment of silence over the woman who had brought them closer than ever. 现在,他们分享了那个令他们的心比以往更靠近的女人带来的片刻沉默。
- U.N. officials, staffers, the Iraqi ambassador and other representatives * served then observed a moment of silence. 联合国官员、工作人员、伊拉克大使和其他代表然后默哀了片刻。
- Mrs. Lippett allowed a moment of silence to fall, then resumed in a slow, placid manner extremely trying to her hearer's suddenly tightened nerves. 李皮太太在此停顿了一会儿,然後以一种缓慢而安静的态度说下去,让她的听众感到神经紧绷,非常痛苦。
- He did a foolish thing in a moment of anger. 他在生气时做了一件愚蠢的事情。
- They go to hug but Ross's umbrella opens. He sits back down defeated again. A moment of silence follows as Rachel sits and the others expect her to explain. 他们上前拥抱,可是罗斯的雨伞开了。他只好坐了回去。片刻的沉默后,从家都等着瑞秋解释。
- A moment of silence was held at 8:46 and 9:03am today at Ground Zero in NYC, the Pentagon here in DC and in PA in memorizing those who lost their lives in the tragedy 6 years ago. 在纽约原世贸大楼的旧址,DC的五角大楼,以及宾州飞机坠毁的地方,人们以片刻的静默来追悼六年前在撞击世贸大楼惨案中失去的亲人和朋友。