- Does operator hold regular training seminars ashore for officers? 经营人是否为高级船员定期举办岸基的培训班?
- Hold regular inspection on electric equipment and check on regular testing. 定期对电器设备进行检查以及检验定期测试工作。
- Number one, I intend to hold regular consultations with the Group Coordinators. 第一,我打算定期与集团协调员磋商。
- An effective democracy holds regular electio . 有效的民主制度定期举行选举。
- Hold regularly in primary and secondary schools, MFM concerts are performed by the Music Office Instructors Orchestras and Ensembles. 活动目的是把音乐介绍给新的听众。音乐会由音乐事务处导师乐团及中西乐合奏小组演出。
- The HKMA and the SFC hold regular meetings under the MOU to discuss matters of mutual interest. 金管局与证监会根据谅解备忘录定期开会,商讨共同关注的事项。
- To steer things in the right direction, Washington and Beijing should hold regular, high-level consultations. 为了保证正确的方向,北京和华盛顿应该定期举行高层磋商。
- The Diocese should hold regular activities to increase teaching skills of teachers, to promote sharing and exchange of teaching experiences and depth of faith. 教区应定期举办活动,培育导师的教学技巧,分享和交流教学心得和信仰深度。
- There are also countries that hold regular elections, but they are so flawed they cannot really be called democratic, like those in Guinea, Zimbabwe and Gabon. 另有些国家虽也定期举行选举,但因舞弊太严重,实在称不上民主,像是几内亚、辛巴威和加彭。
- Will also hold regular meetings of teachers and students, and teachers and students to speak freely, listen to their voice, to adopt their recommendations to rationalize. 还要定期召开教师会和学生会,并让老师们和学生们自由发言,倾听他们的心声,采纳他们合理化的建议。
- The songfests are held regularly at certain places, the most popular at Liuzhou, Guilin and Nanning. 最常举行三月歌墟的地方有柳州,桂林和南宁。
- She could best any of the monstrous combatants in the gladiatorial games held regularly on the world. 在定期进行的竞技场比赛中她能够击败任何的凶暴战士。
- We also hold regular overseas education fairs, at which we invite school representatives to Hong Kong to speak about their school and possibly recruit prospective candidates to join them. 其后我们可代表留学生找寻监护人。我们会定期参展海外留学展览会,邀请来自英国书院的代表出席讲座和招募新学生。
- The HKTA also holds regular career seminars,exhibitions and presentations to encourage school children to consider a career in tourism. 旅游协会又定期举办职业研讨会、展览和讲座,以鼓励学生考虑加入旅游业。
- Activities in English are held regularly in our university, such as singing competitions, recitation contests, plays and so on. 我们学校经常举行各种英语活动,诸如歌咏比赛、朗诵比赛、话剧演出等等。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- Sales for 'tried horses' (horses that have raced) are also held regularly and there are usually yearlings and unraced horses offered at these sales. 市场上经常有比赛过的马卖,并且也提供小马驹和没有比赛过的马。
- Since then, the sidewalk astronomy has been becoming one of the largest scaled astronomy activities held regularly at Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui. 自此之后,路边天文便成为定期于尖沙嘴星光大道举行的大型天文推广活动。
- Lockup regularly occurs at seven o'clock. 夜间关门时间通常是在七点钟。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。