- Germany can have peace if she gets rid of Hitler and his regime. 德国只有摆脱希特勒和他的统治,才能获得和平。
- Germany can have peace if she gets rid of Hitler and his regime . 德国只有摆脱希特勒和他的统治,才能获得和平。
- hitler and his like 希特勒之流
- Its job was to guard Hitler and his official residence in the Reich Chancellery. 它的任务是保护在帝国总理府的希特勒和他的官邸。
- Only Hitler and his Nazis could benefit from continuing to fight the Western Allies. 在西线与盟军继续作战,只有希特勒与其纳粹党能够从中获益。
- There is even a legend which says that Hitler and his chief advisers escaped the last days of the Third Reich by going through the opening at the South Pole. 甚至有个传说说希特勒和他的主要顾问们在第三帝国的最后日子里通过进入南极开口逃跑了。
- As an old man (born in 1859, he died in 1952) he refused to deny his worship of Hitler and his delight at the prospect of Norway becoming part of a greater Germany. 年老之时(生于1859年,卒于1952年)他拒绝否认对希特勒的崇拜,并为挪威可能成为伟大德国的一部分感到欣喜。
- The psychological mechanism of the ideological reaction of Schlamm and his like, is not at all complicated. 施拉姆以及他那一流人物思想反动的心理活动很简单。
- Owing to sabotage by Lin Biao and his like, there are quite a few problems besetting our army. Many of the comrades present here feel this. 由于林彪一伙的破坏,军队建设中确实存在不少问题,在座的许多同志也有这个感觉。
- It has proclaimed to the world that the Red Army is an army of heroes,while the imperialists and their running dogs,Chiang Kai-shek and his like,are impotent. 它向全世界宣告,红军是英雄好汉,帝国主义者和他们的走狗蒋介石等辈则是完全无用的。
- Everybody has his likes and dislikes. 每个人都有自己的好恶。
- Here Comrade Mao Tse-tung uses this metaphor to show that though Chiang Kai-shek and his like talked about revolution,they were afraid of revolution and against it. 是叶公非好龙也,好夫似龙而非龙者也。毛泽东在这里用以比喻蒋介石辈口谈革命,实际上畏惧革命,反对革命。
- In the conquered countries of Western Europe, Hitler and his SS supremo, Heinrich Himmler, were keen to recruit non-German Aryans to their cause. 在被占领的西欧各国,老希和他的党卫军领导人海因利希希姆莱为他们的事业开始招募非德裔的雅利安人。
- Here Comrade Mao Tse-tung uses this metaphor to show that though Chiang Kai-shek and his like talked about revolution, they were afraid of revolution and against it. 是叶公非好龙也,好夫似龙而非龙者也。毛泽东在这里用以比喻蒋介石辈口谈革命,实际上畏惧革命,反对革命。
- Allied air supremacy prevented rapid German reinforcements, and discord between Adolf Hitler and his generals stalled crucial counterattacks. 盟国的空中优势使德国人的迅速增援相形见绌,希特勒和手下将军们的意见不一也使其反攻未能成功。
- It has proclaimed to the world that the Red Army is an army of heroes, while the imperialists and their running dogs, Chiang Kai-shek and his like, are impotent. 它向全世界宣告,红军是英雄好汉,帝国主义者和他们的走狗蒋介石等辈则是完全无用的。
- Captured Nazi eyewitnesses claimed that Hitler and his new wife, Eva Braun, committed suicide in his bunker as the Soviets captured Berlin. 被俘纳粹目击者称,希特勒和他的新婚妻子埃娃布劳恩,他作为苏联占领柏林地堡自杀。
- It is never wise to come between a man and his wife. 干预人家夫妇间的事是不智的。
- "The party is Hitler and Hitler is Germany". 纳粹)党就是希特勒;希特勒就是德国.
- Hitler and Eva Braun had no such problem. 希特勒和爱娃 - 勃劳恩没有这样的问题。