- Lee hit rock bottom after his divorce. 李在离婚以后陷入了最困难的境地。
- Since my last report, your child has hit rock bottom and has started to dig. 从我上次发成绩单以后,您的小孩已经跌落谷底,还要向下挖洞。
- The nation's morale hit rock bottom in the hours following the President's assassination. 总统遇刺后的数小时内,举国上下的人心士气降到了最低点。
- Tom's wife left him after he lost his job. ---Poor guy. He is definitely hit rock bottom. 丢了工作之后,老婆也离开了他。---可怜的家伙。真是祸不单行,倒霉透顶。
- Don't let yourself hit rock bottom, turn yourself around before it's too late! ---Thanks for the advice. 别让自己陷入万劫不复的境地,在一切还没有太晚之前浪子回头吧。---多谢你的提醒。
- It is abundantly clear that this company will hit rock bottom unless it can be revitalized. 很明显,如果这家公司不能新生,那么它将跌入谷底。
- Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! 让我付出代价!让我心态归零!你使我兴奋!你使我斗志昂扬!你使我咬牙切齿!
- A loss to Lazio on Sunday could see the Tuscans hit rock bottom of the table, should Cagliari get a result at home to Parma. 对拉齐奥时的一点点疏忽都可能使恩波利深陷榜尾,因为卡利亚利在主场对帕尔马的比赛中很可能拿分。
- For want of His gracious Salvation and His imminent Second Coming, wherein shall our hope cometh?Whereabouts shall the gluteus maximus of our pitiful selves hit rock bottom? 是绝望人类的唯一希望!若没有基督的救赎与再来的荣耀盼望,今日世界何来盼望?
- Prices hit rock bottom. 价格降到了最低点。
- Prices have hit rock bottom. 价格已达最低水平
- Let me hit rock bottom! 让我心态归零!
- The unbearable pain of hitting rock bottom punctures the alcoholic's denial and forces him to face a stark choice: he can self-destruct or turn his life around. 无法忍受的底线刺痛了酗酒者,逼他们做重大的抉择,他要么自毁,要么改变生活。
- Prices have reached rock bottom. 价格已经到了最低点。
- 9. Since my last report, your child has hit rock bottom and has started to dig. 从我上次发成绩单以后,您的小孩已经跌落谷底,还要向下挖洞。
- The present labor costs are rock bottom. 现在劳动力的价格是最低的。
- The marriage had reached rock bottom. 婚姻已经走到了尽头。
- The prices for the furniture are rock bottom. 这种家具的价格是最低的。
- B: That's our rock bottom price. 这是我们的最低价了。
- The value of the goods is at rock bottom right now. 商品价值目前已到了最低点。