- The people resolutely hit back at the aggressors. 人民坚决回击了侵略者。
- Our troops lashed back at the enemy. 我们的部队猛烈反击敌人。
- The raw soldiers turned the back at the first fire of the enemy. 新兵们听到敌人初次开火,掉头就跑。
- The only way the tax payer can hit back at an unjust government is to vote against them at the next election. 纳税人回击不公正政府的惟一方法是在下次选举中对他们投反对票。
- hit back at the enemy 还击敌人
- He hit back at his opponents in the debate. 在辩论中他积极反驳对手。
- Frank Lampard has hit back at Joey Barton after comments about England players' performances at the World Cup. 弗兰克.;兰帕德回击了乔伊
- Chelsea have hit back at the outspoken former Blues chairman accusing him of racial discrimination and Buck wants The FA to punish Bates for his outburst. 切尔西直言不讳的指出,贝茨对蓝军进行了种族歧视和人身攻击,巴克要求足协严惩他。
- In reply to last night's bombing attack,our lanes this morning his back at the enemy port. 作为对昨晚轰炸的报复,我们的飞机今晨猛烈轰炸了敌人的港口。
- In reply to last night's bombing attack, our lanes this morning his back at the enemy port. 作为对昨晚轰炸的报复,我们的飞机今晨猛烈轰炸了敌人的港口。
- The soldier sprang at the enemy. 士兵猛扑向敌人。
- They hit back at their opponents in the debate. 在辩论中他们积极反驳对手。
- They discharged their arrows at the enemy. 他们把箭射向敌人。
- But the Portuguese coach used their current selection problems to hit back at the critics who have lambasted their defensive woes in recent weeks. 但是葡萄牙主帅用自己灵活的排兵布阵痛击了那些批评他们防守的声音。
- He shouted defiance words at the enemy. 他大声呼喊着向敌人挑战。
- Shots were fired at the enemy target. 有人向敌军目标开枪。
- In a TV interview she hit back at her critic. 她在接受电视采访时,反驳了那些批评者的观点。
- But in Monaco, the scene of a disastrously uncompetitive outing for the Hinwil based team, the German driver hit back at the speculation in conversation with the SID news agency. 但是在摩纳哥,现场的灾难性缺乏竞争力郊游的西威尔车队的德国车手回击的投机交谈的SID通讯社.
- The officer ordered his men to fire (at the enemy). 军官命令士兵(向敌人)射击。
- In a TV interview she hit back at her critics. 她在接受电视采访时; 反驳了那些批评者的观点.