- To demand money from a person who has just lost his job is hitting a man who is down. 向一个刚刚失业的人讨债等于落井下石。
- hit a man who is down 落井下石
- Never hit a man when he is down. 不要落井下石。
- A man who is a native or inhabitant of France. 法国人出生在法国或居住在法国的人
- A man who is a member of a militia. 民兵民兵织中的一员
- No one admires a man who is full of conceit. 没有人喜欢一个十分自负的人。
- A man who is a fellow resident of one's town. 同乡人同某人居住在一个镇上的人
- A man who is a member of one's own tribe. 部落男子某一部落的男性成员
- A man who is or seems to be mentally ill. 患有或似乎患有精神病的人
- A man who is a member of the clergy. 牧师神职人员中的男性成员
- He is a man who is faithful in keeping his word. 他是个言而有信的人。
- Don't subtilize a man who is clever. 对聪明人不用过多地解释。
- A man who is a party leader of a ward or precinct. 行政区或管辖区党的领导者
- A man who is a resident of a town. 镇民一个城镇的居民
- A man who is a member of a legislative assembly. 议员立法机构的一员
- A man who is a native or inhabitant of England. 英国人英国出生或有英国国籍的男人
- Hit a man when he is down. 落井下石;打落水狗。
- A man who is a native or inhabitant of Wales. 威尔士人威尔士的土著或居民
- A man who is dead to the justice is not reliable. 一个没有正义感的人是不可信的。
- He is a man who is always showing off . 他是一个喜欢卖弄的人。