- history of aesthetic eategory 美学范畴史
- Hans-Geory Gadamer think that the temporality of aesthetic being is the presentness of aesthetic being, but the presentness also belongs to the history of effect. 伽达默尔认为审美存在的时间性就是它的现在性,但是现在性又隶属于效果历史。
- Hence, the aporia of aesthetic myth writing derived from Gnosticism's dualism, which was represented in western aesthetic history of Prometheus myth writings. 因此,审美神话的寓言式书写困境承诺斯替主义二元论而来,在西方审美思想史上绵延不绝的普罗米修斯神话创作中见出。
- In the long history of human beings, the factors might either be a kind of aesthetic consciousness, or a religious belief, or a certain pursuit in life, or a compulsory choice. 在人类历史的发展长河中,这或是一种审美意念,或是一种宗教信仰,或是一种追求生活的印痕,或是一种无奈的选择。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- Abstract: The characteristic of the mode of Aesthetic of Reception is to regard readers as the center and look through the history of literary effect from the mergence of expecting vision. 文章摘要: 接受美学文学史模式的特点用一句话概括就是以读者为中心,在期待视野融合中来透视文学的效果史。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- Jauss also thinks that history of literature is a process of aesthetic reception literary text on the part of the receptive reader, the reflective critic and the author in his continuing productivity. 尧斯认为文学的历史是一种美学接受与生产的过程,这个过程要通过接受的读者、反思的批评家和再创作的作家将作品现实化才能进行。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- She's written the definitive history of Vienna. 她写下了权威性的维也纳历史。
- The history of this area is very well documented. 这个地区的历史档案保存得很好。
- Roles of aesthetic education in P.E. 审美教育在体育教学中的地位不容忽视。
- Do you know the history of the company? 你知道这家公司的发展史吗?
- The Study of Aesthetic Psychology in Ch. 语文课堂审美心理研究;
- They are writing a new history of Africa. 他们正在写一部新的非洲史。
- Susanne.K.Langer has been the only outstanding female aesthetician in western history of aesthetics. 苏珊.;朗格是西方美学史上迄今为止唯一的一位功绩卓著的女性美学家。
- She is publishing a history of the war period. 她有一部战争时期的历史著作正在印行。
- His name is inseparable with the history of China. 他的名字和中国历史是分不开的。
- The complete case history of a patient. 既往病历病人的既往病历
- The nobleness is an important factor of aesthetic conceptions. 摘要崇高是重要的审美范畴之一。