- history of Jin Dynasty 金史
- As a historian, he thought it was his duty to keep the real history so he recorded the history on centurial civilization of Jin Dynasty. 作为史家,他以存信史为己任,对有金一代文明百年作了客观的记录和总结。
- Code of Jin Dynasty poem : Lan, Hung Shun winter petticoats. 典出晋诗:寒裳顺兰?浚?水木湛清华。
- As for why the biographical history book History of the Jin Dynasty was mistaken for a chronicle, there was certain traceable cause. 这部纪传体的晋史之所以误作编年体的史书,也是有因可寻的。
- Ruan Yuan was an important minister and a famous author of Jin Dynasty. 阮元是清代重臣,也是一位著名的图书缡撰家。
- Jin Dynasty tomb 14, brick wood structure, and shape for the stage show figurines for the study of the history of Chinese drama provides a reliable corroboration. 金代墓室十四座,砖雕仿木结构,造形为舞台戏俑,为研究中国戏剧史提供了可靠佐证。
- Abstract : Hibiscus tree species, which have been used prevalently as an ornamental plant since Jin dynasty, has a long history of cultivation and planting in China. 摘要 : 木槿属树种在中国有着悠久的栽培利用历史,尤其是木槿在晋代就作为重要的观赏花木普遍栽植。
- Abstract: Jia Nanfeng, the empress of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty, was a person who often brought blame from others in the history of the Western Jin Dynasty. 内容提要 :晋惠帝皇后贾南风,是西晋历史上一位颇受非议的人物,史家和后人均将其作为女人干政、扰乱西晋政治和开启八王之乱的罪魁而大加贬斥。
- Buddhist Monk FaXian of Jin Dynasty Arrival in America 1080 Years Earlier than Columbus? 法显比哥伦布早1080年到达美洲?
- Take for example,the Romance of the Three Kingdoms which reached more or less its present form during the Ming Dynasty. Very few Chinese would have read the History of the Three Kingdoms written during the Jin Dynasty. 例如,《三国演义》在明朝成书,很少人读过晋朝时所著的《三国志》。
- The rulers of Jin Dynasty governed the nomad peoples such as Khitans resided in the northwest area the social structure of Liao dynasty, such as the tribes and Jius. 摘要金朝对西北地区驻牧的契丹等游牧民族,保持原辽朝的社会组织形式-部族、?,对其进行统治。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- Secondly, the tenth volume of Collected Rites of Jin Dynasty is copied from General Institutions, and the tenth volume cann?t be regarded as the evidence for offerring sacrifices of Jin Dynasty to village god on square hillock. 二 ,《大金集礼》卷十抄自《通典》 ,不可为大金方丘仪之证。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Abstract: Ruan Ji, the famous litterateur, ideologist, in the same position to Ji Kang in the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties, is one of “Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove”. 摘要:阮籍是魏晋之际著名的文学家、思想家,与嵇康齐名,为“竹林七贤”之一。
- She's written the definitive history of Vienna. 她写下了权威性的维也纳历史。
- Palace in Zhongdu of Jin Dynasty 金中都宫殿
- TAO Yuan-ming is a great poet of the Jin Dynasty. 摘要陶渊明是魏晋南北朝时期卓冠一代的大诗人。
- Dong family tomb of Jin dynasty, Houma 侯马金代董氏墓