- A history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict. 一节只简单提到朝鲜战争的历史课
- The history course covered a lot in six weeks. 历史课在六周内涉及很广。
- History courses aside, business schools need to change their tone more than their syllabuses. 除历史课外,与改变教学大纲相比,商学院更应该改变的是它们的态度。
- The lectures are often the highlight of a history course. 学习历史在好几个层次上是很有乐趣的。
- The history course covered a lot of ground in six weeks. 历史课在六周内涉及很广
- Man's allover development has a long history course. 人的全面发展有一个漫长的历史过程。
- Supporters say the overhaul enlivens mandatory history courses for junior and senior high school students and better prepares them for life in the real world. 支持者称,教科书修正使初高中义务教育的历史课程更加活泼,也使之能够更好的应对现实生活。
- Her parents forced her to enroll in the history course at evening school. 她的父母强迫她在夜校注册学习历史课程。
- The ten history courses I took at Yale included ancient Greek history, Roman history, medieval European history, the Reformation, the European intellectual history of the 18th and 19th centuries, and the history of modern Russia and modern Germany. 我在耶鲁选的十门历史课程包括古希腊史、古罗马史、欧洲中世纪史、宗教改革、18世纪与19世纪的欧洲思想史、俄罗斯现代史和德国现代史.
- My history courses posed a much bigger academic challenge than my previous experience in Tsinghua as a freshman in biochemistry, or in Tsinghua Fuzhong's experimental accelerated science program. 比起我原来在清华大学生物化学专业上一年级时的经历,或是在清华附中理科实验班的课程,耶鲁的历史课赋予我的挑战要大得多。
- She crammed for her history exam. 她死记硬背以应付历史考试。
- In the Japanese history course,Bushido is not only the kill and war standard,but also the loyal and devoted standard. 在日本历史上,武士道既是"杀人与战争之道",又是"忠诚与献身之道",其破坏力和创造力同样巨大。
- Middle school history course plays very important roles in quality education because of its characteristics. 中学历史教学的学科特点,决定了它在素质教育中的独特作用。
- In the history course of founding and developing this new people's army, Anyuan and Anyuan workers play vital important roles. 安源和安源工人在创建这支新型人民军队和发展壮大这支新型军队的历史进程中,做出了不朽功绩,发挥了重要作用。
- Philosophy and Intellectual History Courses 哲学与知识历史课程
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- In the history course of founding and developing this new people s army,Anyuan and Anyuan workers play vital important roles. 安源和安源工人在创建这支新型人民军队和发展壮大这支新型军队的历史进程中,做出了不朽功绩,发挥了重要作用。
- So she decided to take an online U.S. history course this summer from the Virtual High School, said her mother, Paulette de la Veaux. 因此,她母亲宝拉?德拉沃克斯说,她决定要在虚拟高中里选修一门美国历史课。
- The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman. 那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。