- He has written a historical drama. 他已写了一个历史剧本。
- Many historical dramas were staged here. 这里上演了一幕幕历史戏剧。
- Later, it was redefined: Historical Drama films. 后来,它又被重新定义:历史剧电影。
- Tonight the performance will be a historical drama. 今天晚上上演的是一个历史剧。
- A new historical drama is being broadcasted on TV. 电视台最近正在播出一部历史剧。
- I like this adapted historical drama very much. 我很喜欢这部新编历史剧。
- He will correct the mistakes in this historical drama. 他要给这部历史剧纠错。
- Often superb story tellers, they turn lecturessintosgrand historical drama. 常常是极棒的故事大王的教授们把演讲课变成了美妙的历史戏剧。
- Dramatic "historicization" resulted in two principles for the production of historical dramas, historicism and "making tthe past serve the present". 在中国现代,戏剧历史化导致史剧创作中“历史主义”和“古为今用”的功利主义和实用主义原则的盛行,使史剧越来越远离人性和人文精神。
- Humanity's knowledge accumulation to the color world feeling is a long historical drama progress. 人类对色彩世界感受知识的积累也是一个漫长的历史过程。
- If it was staged at all, it was usually in a shortened form which, Mr Stein claims, reduced it to "a hollow-sounding historical drama". 就算上演,也是剪接过的版本,斯坦称其为“一部空洞的历史剧”。
- That was the influence of social thoughts at that time and the need of surviving for the historical drama writing and criticizing caused its emergence. 它的出现,主要由于当时社会思潮的影响以及历史剧创作与批评获取生存需要等原因。
- The letter says China's Central Television (CCTV) has turned its news and historical drama series into propaganda to brainwash its audience. 中国的知识分子已经发布公开信声称要抵制国家电视台新闻节目。信中说cctv通过播放新闻和历史系列来给观众洗脑。
- The story of "Bednaya Nastya" is set in the XIX century and features a whole tangle of various genres: romance, detective, historical drama and whatnot. 王储亚历山大爱上了宫廷女官奥尔佳,而沙皇尼古拉因奥尔佳身份低微欲将两人拆散。
- In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant's image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. 在历史剧和悲剧中,他又刻划了一系列封建暴君的形象,无情地揭露和批判封建暴政。
- From the grandiose inner sanctum of Emperor Qin's royal palace, to fierce battles with feudal kings, this historical drama re-creates the glory and the terror of the Qin Dynasty. 许多西方人都不知道秦始皇伟大的成就,像是阿房宫是宏伟的地下陵寝,或是跟诸王之间惨烈的战争。
- The Wannan Flower-drum drama troupe from the Xuancheng Area in Anhui province was recently invited to Beijing to perform the big historical drama "Jie drums startle the heavens". The performance was well received by capital audiences. 安徽省宣城地区皖南花鼓戏剧团,前不久应邀来京演出大型历史剧《羯鼓惊天》,受到首都观众的欢迎。
- Chinese ancient historical dramas 中国古典史剧
- On Dramatist of Historical Drama 现代史剧创作主体论
- Many legends centre about this historical figure. 许多传说以这个历史人物为中心。