- We should see the matter in its historical context. 我们必须从历史背景来看待这个问题。
- We should judge the past in its historical context. 我们应当根据时代背景 来看待过去.
- You must place these events in their historical context. 必须把这些事件同它们的历史环境联系起来看。
- Let me try and situate the events in their historical context. 我尽量把这些事件与其历史背景联系起来。
- We need to place present events in some kind of historical context. 我们必须将目前这些事件放在历史的环境里考虑。
- We mustn't consider a question apart from its historical context. 我们不能割断历史看问题。
- The book shows a somewhat superficial understanding of the historical context. 这部书表现出作者对历史背景的理解略嫌肤浅。
- Venezuela also has to be looked at within a certain historical context. 委内瑞拉也要放在一定的历史背景下来看待。
- In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context. 在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。
- We will be able to understand why this event happened if we see it in its historical context. 如果我们能够从该事件的历史背景来考虑,就能理解事件为何发生。
- All the fighting and bloodshed in his plays is explained if you see his writing in a historical context. 如果你从历史的背景去看他的作品,就会明白他戏剧中所有的那些战斗和流血情节。
- About the status of China on the world stage today when this is placed in historical context. 话题包括:以历史的观点看中国今日在国际舞台的地位。
- This thesis includes four parts.The first is to explore Gilman's life and the historical context of her thoughts. 本研究首先探究吉尔曼的生平及形塑其思想的时代背景,以瞭解影响吉尔曼思想形成的相关背景因素。
- Colander emphasizes the intellectual and historical context to which the economic models are applied. 滤器强调经济模型被使用的理智和历史上下文。
- A carved stone map of Castello's New Amsterdam will grace the entrance to the Plein to provide historical context. 阿石刻地图卡斯蒂罗的新阿姆斯特丹将宽限期入口广场提供历史背景。
- Well, compared with the planetary population, in historical context, it's not that anomalous. 如果跟现在地球上的人口相比较,这还算正常的。
- In this global and historical context, Chinese characters appear irresistibly thrilling to the viewers. 在这种极目千古、放怀四海的宏大视野中,我们无法不被汉字的伟大所震撼!
- In this historical context, the reinterpretation of this war is surely an arduous task. 在这样的时代语境中,文学对于抗战的重述只能是一个步履蹒跚的过程,艰难的过程。
- The first section contains a short chronology that places these events in a historical context. 第一节对应的是一张简短的年表,不少依次发生的历史事件都历历在目。
- This content is complemented by texts, essays and pictures relating to the political system and setting it in its historical context. DVD内容还包括与政治体制及其历史发展环境相关的文章及图片。