- He could maintain his position while Haldeman's prospects were shaky. 他自己能保住自己的职务,而霍尔德曼的前途却岌岌可危。
- His position was very high in the company. 他在公司的职位很高。
- Thoreau knew his position was open to criticism. 梭罗知道他的立场很容易为人非议。
- They would keep it up until his position was pulverized. 直到他的阵地化为齑粉,他们才罢手。”
- Normally, officials in his position are left in limbo for weeks or months. 但通常而言,官员会在事发后被保留职位长达数周或者数月。
- The chess-player conceded(the game) when he saw that his position was hopeless. 棋手一看出自己陷入绝境,就承认(那局)输了。
- His position was not yet dangerous, the knight was only in the forth rank. 他的局面还不致就到危险的地步,那只马还位于第四个横行上。
- He was retired in this summy and his position was replaced by junior. 他在今年夏天退休了;让位给年轻人.
- His position was very similar to that of von Rundstedt's in Normandy. 他的处境很像当年盟军在诺曼底登陆时德将冯.;伦斯泰德那样。
- In truth, his position was closer to that of chief of protocol than head of Iranian diplomacy. 实际上,他的地位更像礼宾司长而不像伊朗的外交首脑。
- On September 12th Mr Abe claimed that his position was no longer tenable because Mr Ozawa refused to meet him. 安倍在9月12日声称由于小泽拒绝与他会面,他已无法行使职权而提出辞职。
- Though born of the same mother and living in the same house, his position was entirely different from theirs. 他和觉民、觉慧虽然是同一个母亲所生,而且生活在同一个家庭里,可是他们的处境并不相同。
- The chess-player conceded (the game) when he saw that his position was hopeless. 棋手一看出自己陷入绝境; 就承认(那局)输了.
- For in the book of Psalms it says, Let his house be waste, and let no man be living in it: and, Let his position be taken by another. 原来在圣咏集上曾记载说:‘愿他的居所变成荒土,没有人在那居住。’又说:‘让人取去他的职位。’
- His position was secure, his home-life, if not satisfactory, was at least undisturbed, his personal liberty rather untrammelled. 他的地位稳固,家庭生活虽然不尽人意还是太平无事,他的个人自由也没有受到限制。
- The fourth result caused Alonso to surpass Maikailun Covar Leining on the rider scoreboard, but the Spanish said that his position was immaterial. 第四名的成绩使得阿隆索在车手积分榜上超过了迈凯轮的科瓦莱宁,但是西班牙人说,他的名次无关紧要。
- After two minutes Seedorf scored, but his position was offside, and then Ambrosini claimed a penalty for a foul by Rivalta. 2分钟后,西多夫进球,但是被判为越位,随后安布罗西尼被里瓦塔铲到,他要求点球未果。
- The little man's voice was shaky. 矮个的汉子用颤抖的声音说。
- Her hands are shaky because she's nervous. 她紧张得双手发抖.
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。