- hip circle in rear support 后撑回环
- hip circle in front support 正撑回环
- Fire detected in rear baggage hold (in rear cabin). 后行李舱(后客舱)失火。
- He drew a circle in the sand with a stick. 他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。
- In a circle in a hoop that never ends &.hG. 造物的链条往复循环,生生不息。'
- The world is a monotypic circle in different modes. 世界是个同心圆。
- The world is a homotypic circle in different modes. 世界是个同心圆。
- And the evening circle in the winter gaslight. 和冬天傍晚煤气灯的光环中回旋,
- The kummerbund, hip circle and weight of male adults were trending up with the increase of age. 惠州市男性腰臀比及男性城市非体力劳动者的体重、体重指数有随年龄增大的趋势。
- The little girl is playing Hula circle in a Hutong of Qianmen. 在胡同里边走边转呼拉圈的女孩。
- The white circle in the center of a target; a bull's eye. 靶心:靶子中心的白点;靶心。
- The results show that the influence of low presser turbine (LPT) rear support stiffness on criti... 结果表明:低压涡轮后支承的刚度变化对临界转速的影响最显著。
- We found how life is a circle in our Odyssey, our travels. 我们发现生命就在我们的奥德赛长途冒险之旅过程中是如何去形成了一个圆圈圈。
- On an adventurous visit to the Arctic Circle in 1975. 1975年在北极圈,欲尝试海洋冒险的查尔斯全副武装。
- The lightweight center pull front brake that Challenge builds very nicely executed and the rear support for the seat also has a lot of nice accents. 轻量级中心撤出前线刹车就是这方面的挑战是建立精巧处决和后方支援该席位也有很多好人口音。
- A jellyfish crop circle in Kingston Coombes, Oxfordshire. 一水母状麦田怪圈出现在牛津郡金士顿库姆斯。
- She is moving in fashionable circles in New York. 她活动于纽约上流社会之中。
- Spelling mistakes are circled in red ink. 拼写错误都用红笔圈了出来。
- cast from high bar to hip circle on low 高杠大摆接低杠后回环
- The birds circled in a slow spiral above the house. 鸟儿在房子上空缓缓盘旋。