- Many a man has professed to me that his brain never works so well as when he is swinging along the high road or over hill and dale. 许多人对我宣扬,他的头脑从来没有象他在公路上溜哒或翻山越谷时那么灵活。
- hill and dale recording 垂直当音
- Growing season, cold, then cool hill and dale corruption, the bursts of grief. 季节越来越冰凉,那漫山遍野腐败着阵阵哀凉。
- Standing on the hilltop, you can see beautiful flowers blanketing hill and dale. 站在山顶上可以看到漫山遍野的山花。
- Fun of conquer Tramp over hill and dale continuously, as you know, the higher you reach, the nicer sight you get. 不断地翻山越岭,因为你知道,站得越高,就能看到越美的风景。
- Thus, tramping over hill and dale to cut firewood was the task of my elder brother and me. 所以,翻山越岭去打柴便是我和哥哥俩人的任务。
- Besides producing what is needed to cover part of the military expenses, during busy farming seasons men in army uniform toil alongside civilians across hill and dale. 我们的军队,除了自己生产解决一部分军费之外,每到农忙时候,漫山遍野,都是穿着军服的人,同老百姓在一块劳作。
- Every hill and dale in full swing since the fall of the leaves, this place was only Huanzuo "Fire Island", Tierra del Fuego resulting. 因为每到秋季漫山遍野如火如荼的红叶,此地才被唤做“火之岛屿”,火地岛由此而来。
- Besides producing what is needed to cover part of the military expenses,during busy farming seasons men in army uniform toil alongside civilians across hill and dale. 我们的军队,除了自己生产解决一部分军费之外,每到农忙时候,漫山遍野,都是穿着军服的人,同老百姓在一块劳作。
- Very long time have not seen hill and dale ripe fruit hanging on trees, and long long time have not seen a lot of the ankle could you have not seen a lot of soft leaves of. 好久好久都没有看见过漫山遍野熟透的水果挂在树上了,好久好久都没有看见过能没过脚踝的一大堆一大堆松软的落叶了。
- Whenever the spring, summer autumn season, there are seasonal mountain flowers open, lilac, wild rose, azalea and other hill and dale, fragrance smell of refreshing. 每当春夏秋时节,都有应时的山花开放,紫丁香、野玫瑰、杜鹃花等漫山遍野,清香扑鼻,沁人心脾。
- We've been chasing up hill and down dale trying to find you. 我们在到处找你呢。
- All this time she cursed him up hill and down dale. 这阵子,她把他骂得狗血淋头。
- Galloped over hill and dale. 骑马翻山越谷
- For the moment, the difference between hill and dale of electric power requirement keeps on increasing, so, 1025t/h sub critical pressure UP type once through boiler must participate in power grid peaking. 电力需求的峰谷差不断增大 ,1 0 2 5t/h亚临界压力UP型直流锅炉参与电网调峰是不容置疑的。
- Hill and woods diversify the landscape. 山陵和树林点缀景色。
- He said that Beijing Fragrance Hill is the pride, especially around November each year, over hill and dale in the Hongye Fragrance Hill speaking, how indescribably hearts uninhibited. 他说,香山是北京的骄傲,特别是每年的11月左右,站在香山上看漫山遍野的红叶,心中别提有多畅快。
- The plane struck on the hill and went to pieces. 飞机撞上了山而破碎。
- They went up hill and down dale. 他们翻山越谷
- I've searched up hill and down dale. 我已到处找过了。