- Texas Instruments Incorporated, “UC3854 High Power Factor Preregulator” 1999. 梁适安著,“高频交换式电源供应器”,民国84年,全华科技图书。
- Wu, T.F. and Y.K.Chen, “Modeling of Single-Stage Converter with High Power Factor and Fast Regulation,” IEEE PESC, pp. 585-593, 1999. 蔡璨鸿,单级隔离式高功因磁性开关电力转换器之模式分析,硕士论文,国立成功大学工程科学系,2001。
- On the basis of high power factor,its 8 pins simple package and less outer devices greatly reduce the design cost for power factor correction (PFC)controller circuit. 在高功率因数的基础上,其8个管脚的简单封装和较少的外围器件,又大大降低了功率因数校正PFC变换器电路的设计成本。
- Huliehel, F. A., F. C. Lee and B. H. Cho, “Small-Signal Modeling of Single-Phase Boost High Power Factor Converter with Constant Frequency Control,” IEEE PESC, pp.475-482, 1992. 方嘉隆,“高效能主动式功因修正器电路研制”,国立中山大学电机工程学系硕士论文,民国九十五年。
- It is the necessary means to realize green lights in large shop in use high efficient, power saving lights and high power factor, low power dissipation accessories. 分析了荧光灯等气体放电灯及其配件、无功功率自动补偿装置等的技术性能,提出了选用高光效、高显色、节能型光源及高功率因数、低功耗配件是商场实现绿色照明不可缺少的手段。
- Since the high power factor is 99% or higher (at rated load), the power capacity can be greatly reduced. 由于高功率因数是99%25以上(额定负荷),电力容量可大为减少。
- The SPIC maintenances high power factor and decreases the bus voltage in about 200V. The key of the idea is that the pulse-width of the drive-pulse of the APFC switching is decreased. 该方法通过利用对原SPIC中的脉冲进行适当处理,以获得固定占空比较小的脉冲来控制APFC的开关,从而起到了有效降低总线电压,维持较高的功率因数。
- ABSTRACT: Novel circuit structure and topologies of single-stage DC switching power supplies with uninterruptible power supply and high power factor, based on flyback converter, are proposed. 该文提出了一类基于反激变换器的单级不间断高功率因数直流开关电源电路结构与拓扑族。
- The pulse area modulation mode in the fields of high power factor convertor was applied to current source inverter,the lower harmonic waves in output current is effectively controlled. 把高功率因数变换器领域中所研究的脉冲面积调制法引入到电流逆变器的控制中,有效地抑制了输出电流中的低次谐波。
- M. H. Kheraluwala, R. L. Steigerwald and R. Gurumoorthy, “A fast response high power factor converter with a single power stage,” IEEE Power Electronic Specialists Conference 91, pp. 769-779. 黄硕国,”崭新单级并联返驰式高功因电力转换器之模式分析及控制器设计”,成功大学工程科学系硕士论文,民国九十二年。
- Search for simple, high power factor, lamp ballast topologies, a more practical aspect of lighting electronics, is presented in Part II.Part I.Flourescent lamps have a special v-i characteristic. 后级灯管驱动采用共臂双灯管换流器,以低频方波驱动双灯管可避免产生音频共振现象,灯管操作于负压以延长灯管寿命。
- Nowadays, Power Factor Correction (PFC) technique is widely researched.They have been prevalently applied in low power SMPS, and are still under research for applying in high power SMPS. 作为一项成熟的技术,近些年来已经在小功率开关电源中得到普遍的应用,在大功率开关电源中应用仍处在研究与开发阶段。
- The inverter also has higher power factor in line side , lower THD , quickly dynamic response .It presents the character of current-source, and it is easy to be paralleled. 此变流器网侧功率因数高,电流总谐波(THD)小,动态响应快,呈电流源特性,易于多单元并联。
- Study of a New Type of High Power Factor Converter 一种新型高功率因数变流器研究
- Simulation research of a high power factor reversible recti-fier 一种高功率因数可逆整流器的仿真研究
- A New High Power Factor Corrector for Airborne System 一种新型的基于航空电网的高功率因数校正器
- Study of the Novel High Power Factor Slip Energy Recovering System 高功率因数串级调速系统的研究
- Digital control system design of high power factor pulse rectifier 高功率因数脉冲整流器数字控制系统设计
- Voltage distortion and power factor lag. 电压波形失真及功因低落。
- VoltageControl and Power Factor correction. 电压控制与功率因素调整。