- highest organic soil 高有机土
- Due to the high organic content of dredged soil, its ability to adsorb various contaminants such as heavy metals warranted an investigation of its use in clay liner of landfill. 充分利用疏浚土有机质含量高、吸附能力强和低透水性等特点,将其作为填埋场粘土衬垫的添加材料。
- The National Members's Congress of the CPAS is the highest organ of its power. 全国会员代表大会是学会的最高权力机构,会员代表大会选举产生理事会。
- The influence of organic matter content in soil on diesel volatilization was conducted, and the results showed that the high organic matter in soil can restrain the diesel oil evaporate from the soil. 在有机质质量分数不同的土壤中进行了柴油挥发试验,结果表明高有机质会抑制土壤中的柴油的挥发。
- The common absorption function of benzene and phynol in water on the series of organic soil is studied. 研究了水中苯和苯酚在系列有机膨润土上的共同吸附作用。
- A soil is classified as Histosols if it does not have permafrost and is dominated by organic soil materials. 如果某种土壤没有永冻层而又以有机物质为主则可以将其划分为有机土。
- The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China is the highest organ of state power. 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。
- Fig 10.A scanning electron micrograph of a cross-section of a biopsy forceps after cleaning demonstrating residual organic soil. 图10.;一副清洗后活检钳横断面的扫描电子显微图显示了残留的有机污物。
- Wastewater from dyehouse features large volume,high organic content,dark color and complex substances. 印染废水排量大,有机物含量和色度高,组分复杂,水质变化范围大。
- The factors mainly include soil acidifying, higher organic matter content in the soil, lead of precipitum in the air and the processing of the tea leaves in the factory. 这些来源主要包括:茶园土壤酸化和较高的有机质含量,大气沉降物中的铅和茶叶的加工过程。
- The Chinese Constitution stipulates: the NPC of the PRC is the highest organ of state power. 中国宪法规定:中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。
- Be highly organized and efficient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。
- Organic soil (eg, blood, feces, and respiratory secretions) may contribute to disinfection failures by harboring embedded microbes and preventing the penetration of germicides. 有机物(如血、粪便、呼吸道分泌物等)会掩埋微生物并阻止杀菌剂的穿透而导致消毒失败。
- Elections to the National People's Congress(NPC)--the highest organ of state power--fully reflect respect for the rights of ethnic minorities. 在中国的最高权力机关全国人民代表大会的选举中,充分反映了对少数民族权利的尊重。
- The factors mainly include soil acidifying,higher organic matter content in the soil,lead of precipitum in the air and the processing of the tea leaves in the factory. 这些来源主要包括:茶园土壤酸化和较高的有机质含量,大气沉降物中的铅和茶叶的加工过程。
- The main advantages of BAF are high-quality effluent achieved at high organic loading rates and no requirement for secondary settlement tank. 该工艺具有处理能力强,处理效果好,不需二沉池等突出的优点。
- The results indicated that sorption property of organobentonites was better with higher organic carbon contents in soil sample and lower concentration of p-nitrophenol. 结果表明,土样有机碳含量越高,对硝基苯酚初始浓度越低,有机膨润土对其吸附性能越好。
- The wheat starch processing industry produces large amounts of waste water with high organic concentration,which pollutes environment greatly. 小麦淀粉加工工业产生大量的高浓度有机废水,直接排放对环境造成极大的污染。
- The increasing discharge of hypersaline organic wastewater with high organic concentration plays adverse impacts on the environment in recent years. 摘要近年来,随着工业的发展,大量排放的高盐高有机物废水对环境产生非常不利的影响。
- The increment of praline content and SOD activity in the seedlings raised in organic soil base was more than that in the seedlings raised in nutritional soil base under moderate drought stress. 在中度干旱胁迫条件下,有机基质所育秧苗水稻叶片的脯氨酸含量和SOD活性增加的幅度大于营养土所育秧苗。