- What Does Protect Criminal Law, Legal Interest or Applying of Norm? 刑法保护什么:法益还是规范适用?
- Civil legal interest is characterized with obscurity and gradation. 民事法益具有不明确性、层级性的特点。
- Constitution as the highest law of the land, the highest legal effect. 宪法作为国家的根本大法,具有最高的法律效力。
- Until recently, this was the highest legal bungee-jump spot in the world with a 364 feet drop towards the Zambezi River. 不久前,这座与赞比西河有364英尺落差的大桥还曾是世界上最高的蹦极点。
- Legal interest of larceny is the interest and value protected by criminal law but violated by theft action. 盗窃罪的法益是指为刑法保护而被盗窃行为所侵害的利益和价值。
- This action disturbs freight forwarding market seriously and infracts the legal interest of consigner and carrier. 这种做法严重地扰乱了货代市场的秩序,侵害货主或承运人的合法权益。
- The yardstick to distinguish informal intent crime should be the infringement of the legal interest. 法益侵害则是划定非法定目的犯的基本标准。
- In the meantime, yi Bao pays to had done relevant evidence to conserve, withhold benefit use statute to safeguard his the right of legal interest. 同时,易宝支付已经做好了相关证据保全,并保留利用法律维护自己合法利益的权利。
- There is instrumentalism in higher legal education from the beginning. 法学教育从一开始就存在着工具主义的错误认识。
- Article 78 The Constitution has the highest legal authority, and no national law, administrative regulation, local decree, autonomous decree and special decree, or administrative or local rule may contravene the Constitution. 第五章适用与备案第七十八条宪法具有最高的法律效力,一切法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例、规章都不得同宪法相抵触。
- In case of being compelled an actor commites an injurious act in comformity with legal interest superiority principle, should such case be dealt with as a act of forced or rescue? 行为人在受到他人强迫的情况下,实施了符合法益优越原则的侵害行为,是应当按照被迫行为还是紧急避险来加以处理,这突显出被迫行为与紧急避险之间的关系问题在刑法理论及实践上之重要性。
- The Constitution has the highest legal authority, and no national law, administrative regulation, local decree, autonomous decree and special decree, or administrative or local rule may contravene the Constitution. 适用与备案第七十八条宪法具有最高的法律效力,一切法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例、规章都不得同宪法相抵触。
- The widespread forgeries such as fakes, pirated trademarks and faulty goods have infringed consumers' legal interest and right severely and drawn public attention more and more. 摘要由于“假冒伪劣”产品泛滥而给消费者带来侵害,已经成为社会关注的热点、难点问题之一。
- A human health care company capable of making a meaningful contribution under any health care system while observing the highest legal and ethical standards in business activities. 在任何医疗体系中,在商业活动中,贯彻法律和道德准则,成为一个具有存在价值、为人类健康保健服务的企业。
- However, the continuing legal interest rate cuts, the reduction of loan interest rates go up and bond yields continued to decline, so that the banks net interest income fell. 但目前持续的法定减息、贷款利率上浮的减少和债券收益率持续下降,使各家银行净利息收入出现下降。
- We notice from the first stage consultation that the public generally perceived that settling disputes through the existing channels usually involves high legal costs and lengthy litigation procedures. 而第一阶段谘询结果显示,公众普遍认为透过现有途径排解纠纷,往往涉及高昂的法律费用及冗长的诉讼程序。
- Administrative regulations has higher legal authority than local decrees and administrative or local rules. 行政法规的效力高于地方性法规、规章。
- Litigants began to argue that the Act did not merely codify the existing "legal interest" theory but rather expanded the availability of standing by allowing judicial review whenever the complainant could prove that he was adversely affected in fact. 诉讼当事人开始争辩说,该法并不仅仅是把现有的"合法利益"理论编集成典,同时,还通过准允司法复审(无论何时,只要申诉方能够证明他事实上受到了不利的影响)扩大了法律地位的可得性。
- Alocal decree has higher legal authority than local rules issued by governments at the same level and lower level. 第八十条地方性法规的效力高于本级和下级地方政府规章。
- Money earns more in a high interest account. 钱放在高利息的帐户里获利多。