- higher signal speed 高信号速度
- When a No.3 Or Higher Signal is Issued. 当3号风球发出后。
- Most of them was low or equal signal on T1WI,high signal on T2WI. T1WI上多呈低、等信号,T2WI多呈高信号,增强后明显强化。
- A T/H stage is added in the front for high signal bandwidth. 电路的最前端加入了采样保持单元来提高电路的带宽。
- Hemangioma showed slightly low signal on T 1WI and high signal on T 2WI. 血管瘤T1WI呈略低信号 ,T2 WI呈高信号 ;
- Going even lower, there is a more subtle, scattered, and more medially distributed region of abnormally high signal. 在向更低的平面,可以看到异常高信号散落分布在一些细小区域。
- The infarct also has high signal on the T2-weighted images. This slice also demonstrates the ribbon-like geometry of the lesion. 在T2加权像上,梗塞灶也呈高信号。此层面损害区域同样呈带状。
- Acutely (within hours of the ictus), the T1-weighted images usually demonstrate abnormally low signal; the T2-weighted images abnormally high signal. 急性期(发病数小时内),T1加权像显示异常低信号;T2加权像显示异常高信号。
- State of the art fiber optic components deliver high signal to noise ratio and long-term stability. 光缆联接的光路保证了系统的柔和性以及高信噪比和长时间工作稳定性。
- Lipomas in 2 cases showed high signal intensity on T1WI and attenuated to intermediate signal intensity on T2WI. 脂肪瘤2例,T1加权示高信号,T2加权衰减为中等信号;
- High signal with inhomogeneous and unclear border on T 2WI was found in 12 cases, with clear border in 4 cases. T2加权呈高信号,不均且边缘模糊12例,边缘清楚4例。
- Lung cancer showed high signal intensity on T2 WI and was strongly enhanced by Gd-DTPA on T1 WI. 13个恶性结节在MRIT2,加权像(T2-Weightedimage,T2WI)上表现为高信号,且Gd-DTPAT1WI呈显著增强(2个)。
- The tumors were low signal intensity on T2 WI, high signal intensity on T2 WI. There were necrosis in large masses. 肿瘤SE T1WI呈低信号,FSE T2WI为高信号,大的肿瘤内有坏死。
- Pheochromocytoma is characterized byvery high signal intensity and 45% of lesions had hypointense areas on T2WI. 嗜铬细胞瘤的MRI有特异性,T_2WI呈明显高信号,45%25见散在点状短T_2低信号区。
- All the lesions demonstrated quite the same signal intensity as muscles on T 1WI, and iso or slight higher signal intensity on T 2WI. T1WI均呈近肌肉之等信号 ,T2 WI均呈等到稍高信号。
- Long cable lengths and high signal frequencies contribute to greater signal attenuation. 长缆线长度和高讯号频率产生较大的讯号衰减。
- One case of hemangiopericytoma showed slightly low signal on T1WI and slightly high signal on T2WI. 血管外皮细胞瘤1例,T1WI上呈略低信号,T2WI上呈略高信号。
- Surrounding the core of the hemorrhage is very high signal consistent with the long T2 of water in edematous tissue. 出血中心的周围是一圈高信号区,与水肿组织中的水在长T2中的影像是一致的。
- Bright means high signal intensity, dark means low, and interm. means intermediate. 亮指高强度信号,暗指低强度信号,中等指中等强度信号。
- PCM modem is the highest speed modem on the PSTN network,which offers 56 kbit/s data signaling speeds in the direction of ISP(Internet Service Provider)to client,which also is the hot subject of ITU TSS SG16.Now its related content is introduced. PCMModem是迄今为止在PSTN网上出现的最高速的Modem,它在ISP(InternetServiceProvider)到用户方向上实现了56kbit/s的数据传输速率,本文介绍了有关的技术概况。