- LONDON, OCT.20( Reuter via Xinhua)- London Markets closed mixed on profit taking after a higher opening in fairly active trading, it was announced here. [新华社转引路透社伦敦10月20日电]间人士称,伦敦股市开市时股价上扬,交易相当活跃。由于一些持股者获利后抛股,因此收盘时有涨有跌。
- LONDON, OCT.20(Reuter via Xinhua)- London Markets closed mixed on profit taking after a higher opening in fairly active trading,it was a ounced here. 此间人士称,伦敦股市开市时股价上扬,交易相当活跃。由于一些持股者获利后抛股,因此收盘时有涨有跌。
- LONDON, OCT.20 (Reuter via Xinhua) - London Markets closed mixed on profit taking after a higher opening in fairly active trading, it was announced here. 此间人士称,伦敦股市开市时股价上扬,交易相当活跃。由于一些持股者获利后抛股,因此收盘时有涨有跌。
- This screen panel is high open area; the capacity of drain for water is better than the traditional polyurethane screen panel. 产品说明:此种筛板具有高开孔率的优点,其脱水性能优于传统的聚氨酯筛板。
- Another pigging is high opening rate, have better high-elastic properties of foam tear in the bottom of high wear-resistant polyurethane coating materials. 另一种清管器是采用高开孔率、高弹有较好抗撕裂性能的泡沫,在其底部涂敷高耐磨聚氨酯材料。
- HAH High Altitude High Opening. 高跳高开伞降方式。
- Before the market not clear, my suggestion is that you finish profits from personal stocks in high opening tomorrow morning, which have gained first-come profits almost afternoon opening. 在大盘走势未明确之前,我还是建议:在午盘开盘后不久补仓的,已经盈利的个股,最好在明天早盘股指高开时获利了结。
- The linked exchange rate system is a solution to the instabilities and uncertainties faced by highly open economies like Hong Kong. 像香港这类高度外向型的经济体系,时刻都要面对不稳定及不明朗因素,实施联系汇率制度正是有效的解决方法。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
- For the week ended Nov 23, "In the Zone," released by Jive, a unit of Bertelsmann AG's BMG, sold an estimated 609,000 units, the fourth highest opening in 2003, behind efforts by rapper 50 Cent, Linkin Park and Clay Aiken. 到11月23日截止,贝塔斯曼集团手下的宝利金唱片公司负责发行的小甜甜的新专辑《在这里》共计售出609000张,这也是2003第四高首发销售量,排在流星乐合唱团'五角'联合公园'和克莱依之后。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- With a fairly strong economy and considerable competitive edge,Hong Kong is well-known in the world for its highly open and free economic structure,a fairly complete legal system,a sound business environment and extensive links with the world markets. 香港具有较强的经济实力和国际竞争力,高度自由开放的经济体制和比较完备的法律制度,以及良好的营商环境和广泛的国际市场联系。
- The higher officials knew there was a hen on. 高级官员们知道这里面有阴谋。
- With a fairly strong economy and considerable competitive edge, Hong Kong is well-known in the world for its highly open and free economic structure, a fairly complete legal system, a sound business environment and extensive links with the world markets. 香港具有较强的经济实力和国际竞争力,高度自由开放的经济体制和比较完备的法律制度,以及良好的营商环境和广泛的国际市场联系。
- Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise. 上涨的生活费用已经抵销了我们增加的工资。
- The airplane ascended higher and higher. 飞机渐渐升高。
- The climbers mounted higher and higher. 攀登者越爬越高。
- It is a complexity of higher mathematics. 这是一道高等数学的难题。