- High boots were the vogue for women last year. 高统靴去年在妇女中风靡一时。
- For some time, she gaze at a pair of fur-lined high boots on display. 她盯着陈列在橱窗里的一双有毛皮里子的长统靴子看了好一会儿。
- High boots went out last summer. 长统靴去年就不流行了。
- For some time,she gaze at a pair of fur-lined high boots on display. 她盯着陈列在橱窗里的一双有毛皮里子的长统靴子看了好一会儿。
- Professor Johnson put on his high boots and walked around in the marsh. 强森教授穿上他的长靴,在沼泽四处走动。
- He was dressed in a frieze tunic, blue trousers and big, torn, high boots. 这家伙穿一件粗呢女外衣,蓝色裤子,一双裂开了的骑兵大靴子。
- They wre obliged to wear thick, high boots, for fear of poisonous snakes. 他们害怕毒蛇,不得不穿上厚厚的高统靴。
- He is very big man and he has on high boots and fur coat and a fur hat and he is all covered with snow. 他是个庞然大物,穿着高统靴,身披毛皮大衣,头戴毛皮帽子,浑身是雪。
- Another cadet with high boots had approached her but she didn't like high boots and so she said no to him. 另一个穿着高筒靴的学员走近她(邀请她跳舞),但是她不喜欢高筒靴,所以拒绝了他。
- Tourists and locals waded through the historic piazza with high boots as alarms warned of the latest bout of "acqua alta. 游客和当地的居民穿着高筒靴子趟过广场上的海水,警报器中还提醒着人们小心最近的一股海潮。
- A short, stout man of about thirty in white breeches, high boots, and in a batiste shirt, apparently only just put on, was standing in this room. 一个三十来岁的身材不高的长得肥胖的人穿的是一条白色的衬裤,一双高筒皮靴和一件看来是刚刚穿在身上的细麻纱布衬衫,他站在这个房间里;
- According to this article, fashion retailers are expecting a run on argyle sweaters, knee socks and high boots for fall. 通过这篇文章可以看出,零售商们正期待着一种秋季时尚的来袭:菱形花纹的针织衫,及膝中袜,高筒靴。
- Every night I will put a saddle high boots, shaking their morning clean, and find whether there are scorpions and centipedes lice and fleas. 每天晚上我将鞍皮靴放得高高的,早上将他们抖干净,寻找是否有蝎子和蜈蚣以及虱子和跳蚤。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有许多人报名参加跳高比赛。