- That was because you were busy generating a high tension. 那是因为你的快速运动产生了高电压。
- Constructs, maintains and repairs overhead line systems. 建造、保养及修理架空电线系统。
- The high tension line inside the village uses unified string staff to divide each, cannot traverse a house owned by a citizen. 村内高压线使用统一的线杆分到各户,不能横穿民房。
- I have no fear in stringing this racket at high tension. 我没有恐惧,在这架线球拍,在高度紧张的。
- But when the stiffness of thin paper is too small and relatively high tension, will roll welts rotating line, so a concrete analysis to specific issues. 但当薄纸的挺度太小且压力相不差不正不小时,反而会因辊旋线而起平,因此给抽象题目抽象不不合析。
- Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors. 架空导线用铝镁硅合金导线。
- Keep away from those high tension wires, or you will be electrocuted. 不要接近高压线,否则会触电的。
- Our main products are special soft stretch shield audio-joint wire,car PA combination wire,connectors, coaxial calling equipment spring wire,mult-core manager cable and high tension line. 本公司主要产品有特软弹性屏蔽音频连接线、汽车功放组合线、接插件、同轴电缆、喊话器用弹簧线、多芯屏蔽控制电缆、高压线。
- And it is certified that the device is very useful to prevent insulated overhead line breakage and insulator damage from lightning overvoltage faults. 作为配电线路中的架空绝缘电缆的过电压保护装置,可有效地防止雷害造成的断线、绝缘子损坏等事故,避免因断路器动作中断供电而影响供电可靠性。
- Danger! High tension wires. 危险!高压电线。
- Track-laying and energisation of overhead lines were substantially complete. 路轨铺设工程及架空电缆通电工程已大致完成。
- At 345 kV a figure of ten times the cost of an equivalent overhead line is quoted for average suburban areas in the U. S. A., this ratio decreasing with lower voltages. 在美国一般市郊地区,引证的数据表明345kv的地下输电的等值成本为架空线路成本的10倍。电压低,此倍数可降低。
- Brief the exploitation and principle of the high tension transcribe cost counting system of Shangcheng County. 简单介绍了商城县高压电抄表计费系统的开发过程及原理。
- Uses this product to be allowed to enhance the line the anti-radar level, the nature clean effect is good, Reduce accident rates, guarantee overhead line safe operation. 使用此产品可以提高线路的防雷水平,自然清洁效果好,降低事故率,保证架空线路安全运行。
- Flooding, disease and famine and from that migration on an unprecedented scale and in areas of already high tension. 洪水、疾病、饥荒以及因此而带来的史无前例的人口迁移,这些问题引发的矛盾在一些地区已经处于白热化。
- YUYAO HANTAI AUTO PARTS MANUFACTURE CO., LTD - Paul Liu high tension ignision wire. 余姚市韩泰汽车电器厂-刘鹏汽车高压阻尼点火电缆。
- Conversation by overhead line, 900 miles-New York to Chicago. First commercial Strowger installation; LaPorte, Indiana, USA. Used switcher with 100 line disc-type banks. 全长900英里,从纽约到芝加哥的架空电话线开通。第一个商业化的史端乔系统在美国印第安纳州拉波特安装。使用的交换机带有100个线路排线架。
- Be specialy trained for electric safety.Have operating certificate at high tension network. 接受过电气安全专门培训,经考试合格持有高压安全操作证书。
- Luo Junhua,Nie Dingzhen,Zhang Jinxiu,et al.Overvoltage protection technology of insulated overhead line up to 35 kV[J].High Voltage Engineering,2000,26 (3):40-41. [2]罗俊华;聂定珍;张锦秀;等.;35 kV及以下架空绝缘电缆过电压保护技术[J]
- Note: Certain overhead lines may also be constructed with insulated conductors. 注:某些架空线路也可由绝缘导线构成。