- You overvalued the high tech of that product. 你对那种产品的高科技性评价过高了。
- High tech weapons = ooooooo cool toys? 高科技武器=很酷的玩具?
- Everything their doing is pretty much high tech. 他们所做的一切几乎都是高科技。
- It is elegant, sporty,high tech. 是典雅、运动和高科技。
- And there are high tech toys for grownups, too. 超市里还为成人准备了高科技玩具。
- Only then can we truly reap the benefits of a "high tech" sector. 只有这样,我们才能够真正享受到“高科技”的好处。
- The Mainland has the high tech expertise and human resources for research and development. 内地在科研及开发方面拥有丰富的技术和人力资源。
- The quest of a cure for disease with high tech has never ceased. 人们希望运用高科技治疗疾病的追求从未停止过。
- The children's standards were measured and recorded throughout the study and the methods of using high tech aids analysed by the research team. 研 究 小 组 在 整 个 项 目 过 程 中 检 测 并 记 录 了 学 生 的 水 平 , 分 析 了 高 科 技 辅 助 手 段 的 使 用 方 法 。
- Luohe Qingshan High Tech Bio-Technology Development Co., Ltd. 漯河市青山高科技生物技术开发有限公司
- The high life with luxury and high tech thats for you? 奢华 &高科技的生活合你的胃口?
- High tech, synthetic materials: racket, frame synthetic materials. 高科技复合材:球拍、车用骨架复合材。
- The incongruous design is a compromise between high tech and early American. 这个不协调的设计是高科技与早期美式建筑折衷的产物
- But each new birth's high tech plant whitening product also surely has a complex research foliation, makes one feel its product precious and the implication high tech content. 而每个新诞生的高科技植物美白产品也必定有一个复杂的研究提取过程,令人感受到其产品的珍贵和蕴含其中的高科技含量。
- The company's partners include Chevron, Georgia Tech Research Institute, University College Cork and National University of Ireland, Maynooth. 该公司研究伙伴包括如雪佛龙集团、乔治亚理工学院、科克大学以及爱尔兰国立大学梅努斯分校。
- The Quanzhou fall comes the chemical limited company is the collectionscientific research, the development, the production, the sale is abody high tech enterprise. 那位英语高手能帮我翻译 5标签: 英语 翻译, 英语, 翻译泉州秋来化工有限公司是集科研、开发、生产、销售为一体的高科技企业。
- What Will Be Replaced: High Tech by More High Tech or Low Tech by High Tech? 将要替代什么?是高技术被更高的技术所代替,还是高技术代替低技术?
- Many engineers at these high tech companies hail from the Asia Pacific. 这些高科技公司的科技工作者也将热烈欢迎来自亚太地区的同行们。
- There are, it turns out, three drawbacks with this method in a high tech team. 对于高水准的团队来说,这方法已经被证明了有三种不良后果。
- Matt Nealy, Mayor City of Mountain View, California Business Interests Seek for cooperation opportunities in high tech and biotechnological research; Provide consulting service regarding business environment in Mountain View. 美国加州山景城合作意向为中方企业在高科技领域和生物科技领域与美国企业开展合作提供咨询,并提供投资环境咨询。