- The change law of organic loading in the course of high strength organic wastewater treatment by expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) was studied. 研究了厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床(EGSB)反应器处理高浓度有机废水过程中的有机负荷变化规律。
- When treating high strength organic wastewater, MBR showed high and stable removals of COD and NH\-3 N, leaving almost no SS in the effluent. 实验结果表明,系统对COD、氨氮的去除率较高,但出水浓度仍然较高,出水几乎监测不到SS。
- Based on metabolism pathways of photosynthetic bacteria (PSB), the process condition and control for the PSB in treatment of high strength organic wastewater were discussed. 介绍了光合细菌的能量与物质代谢过程,并在此基础上探讨了光合细菌应用于废水处理时工艺条件的选择与控制。
- high strength organic wastewater 高浓度有机废水
- Fermentative biological production of hydrogen by digesting high strength organic wastewater 高浓度有机废水发酵法制取氢气技术
- Determination of Acidification and Acidifying Degree of High Strength Organic Wastewater 高浓度有机废水可酸化性与酸化度的测定
- A Study of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor In High Strength Organic Wastewater Treatment 厌氧折流板反应器处理高浓度有机污水的研究
- A pilot-scale study of high strength organic wastewater treatment using anaerobic digestion-uitrafiltration process 高浓度有机废水厌氧膜生物工艺处理的中试研究
- Keywords expanded granular sludge bed;high strength organic wastewater;organic loading;microbiofacies; 厌氧颗粒污泥膨胀床;高浓度有机废水;有机负荷;微生物相;
- Keywords anaerobic floating biofilm reactor bioflim granular sludges high strength organic wastewater; 厌氧浮动生物膜反应器;生物膜颗粒污泥;高浓度有机废水;
- The research on the acidibility and acidifying degree as the indicatrix of high strength organic wastewater acidification 可酸化性与酸化度作为高浓度有机废水厌氧酸化指标的研究
- It takes agricultural organic waste materials as its raw material and produces high efficient,clean and multi-purposed fuel,forage and manure. 它以农业有机废弃物为原料,经厌氧消化,生产出高效、洁净、多用途的燃料、饲料和肥料。
- It is well-known that sericin is the main pollutant in degumming water of silk mill which is high and thick organic waste water. 众所周知,丝绸厂精练废水中含有大量的丝胶,属于高浓度有机废水。
- It consists of high strength pp woven cloth. 袋体是高强度的聚丙烯塑料编织布,袋口有吊带,方便吊装操作。
- Eastman organic waste water process is studied with above-mentioned method. 本文基于上述方法对伊士曼有机废水治理工艺进行了研究。 该废水含有多种有机物,污染物结构复杂,毒性大,废水的化学需氧量近60000mg/L,为高浓度有机废水。
- High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire. 高强力合成线绳加螺旋金属丝。
- Organic waste, like fruit peels and eggshells can go in the compost bucket. 有机废弃物,如果皮和蛋壳,可以丢到堆肥回收筒。
- Type: High Strength Cold Work Tool Steels. 类型:高强度冷作工具钢。
- This study adopts biofilter to treat organic waste gas of benzene compounds. 研究采用生物滤池法处理苯系有机废气。
- Organic wastes decompose by bacterial action. 有机废物通过细菌活动可以分解。