- Ecological Structure and Conservation of Surface Water Resources in Speed Urbanization Area 快速城市化地区地表水资源生态结构及保护研究
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。
- We rounded the corner at high speed. 我们以高速度绕过拐角。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。
- In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。
- Exceeding the speed limit in the urban area would be fined. 在市区内超速驾车会被 罚款.
- It's unlimited to drive cars at high speed in country. 在乡村开快车没有限制。
- In the cruise area, there are too many small high speed vessels. 在海军巡航区域内有大量的高速小船或疑似海盗船。
- The loud, roaring noise of an engine operating at high speed. 呜呜声高速运转的机器的高且喧闹的噪音
- A region remote from urban areas; backcountry. 腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区
- How do you revive a down-at-the-heels urban area? 您如何重振了下来---清远市区?
- The edge of urban area is usually ig nored. 城市中的边界地带往往被人忽视。
- The train was rolling at high speed. 火车在高速行驶。
- We must build our country at high speed. 我们必须高速度地建设国家。
- It's dangerous to turn a corner at high speed. 高速转弯很危险。
- The air pollution in the urban area is still serious. 城市大气污染仍然较重。
- Sent out with or moving at high speed. 快递的快速寄出的或移动的
- The drop-out rate is highest in the poorest urban area. 最贫困城区的辍学率最高。
- Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。