- Remains of more modern corals, diverse pelecypods, sea urchins and ammonoids characterize the marine strata of the Mesozoic Era. 中生代生物的特征是出现较现代的珊瑚,各种各样的瓣鳃,海胆和菊石。
- The identification marks of sequence boundaries, maximum\|flooding surface and transgressive surface are all different from that of marine strata. 陆相盆地的层序界面、最大洪泛面和首次洪泛面的识别标志都有别于海相地层。
- Source rocks in Permo-Carboniferous are characterized by wide distribution, varying in abundance and type of organic matter, middle to high maturity. 侏罗系及下第三系生油岩是喀什凹陷、西南缘区主要生油岩。
- The marine strata, such as the Sinian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian and Lower and Middle Triassic, are widespread in South China. 摘要华南地区海相地层分布甚广,震旦系、寒武系、奥陶系、志留系、泥盆系、石炭系、二叠系以及下和中三叠统几乎全为海相地层。
- Tang Tianfu, Yang Hengren and Lan Xiu. 1989. The Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary Marine Strata and Petroleum Geology from the Western Tarim Basin, South Xinjiang, China. Beijing: Science Press. 唐天福;杨恒仁;蓝秀.;1989
- Use valuable lessons learned from high maturity organizations. Implement measure-ments early, set up an engineering process group, peer reviews and other forms of verifi-cation, process improvement adoption lessons learned. 吸取来自于高成熟度组织的有益的教训,及早地应用度量,设立一个工程过程组,进行同行评审和其它形式的验证,验证所采用的过程改进教训的学习效果。
- Low abundance of pr 1 ene suggests high maturity of oils from Lunnan area, which are also supported by the fact that the n alkanoic acids are much more than di n alkanoic acids in yields of asphatenes by RICO. 沥青质热解产物中姥鲛-1-烯的相对含量较低,RICO产物中一元脂肪酸远高于二元脂肪酸,指示该区原油具有较高的成熟度。
- Three sets of hydrocabon source rocks in the Neogene,Oligocene and Eocene,in which the gas was mainly generated,are of important significance for natural gas accumulation because of their deep burial and high maturity. 有以生气为主的3套上第三系烃源岩,渐新统和始新统烃源岩因深埋、高成熟而对天然气聚集有着重要意义。
- The hydrocarbon of the Lunan Salient on the hinterland of the Junggar Basin has the geochemical characteristics of high maturity, low sulfur and high nitrogen contents, heavier carbon isotope, etc. 准噶尔盆地腹部陆南凸起油气具有高成熟度、低硫、高氮、碳同位素较重等地球化学特征;
- ZHENG Ban-qiao's "The Bamboo outside Mind" represents a creative model of paintings based on the high maturity of painting techniques that were born in a certain historical circumstance. 郑板桥画竹“胸无成竹”有其特定的历史条件,体现了技法程式高度完备条件下的墨竹画艺术创作特征。
- The depocenter of Cambrian-Ordovician lay in Awati sag and Tanggubasi sag, in which source rocks with high abundance of organic matter, good types and high maturity were developed. 寒武-奥陶系沉积中心在阿瓦提凹陷和塘古巴斯凹陷,有机质丰度高、类型好、成熟度高,是该区主要油气源岩。
- The village has been using 420 mu, the occupancy rate is as high as 95% high occupancy, community, community high maturity has become elite selection is one of the key enterprise villa. 小区首期的420亩已经全部交付使用,入住率高达95%25,社区高入住率,社区高成熟度已经成为精英人士选择银湖别墅的关键之一。
- Dahua plate Baoshan District is the first real estate development, is so far the highest maturity of a large-scale communities. 大华板块是宝山区房地产开发最早、也是至今为止成熟度最高的一个大规模社区。
- The organic matters reach high maturation stage. There is no thermal maturation anomaly. 有机质已达高级成熟阶段,但矿区范围未见热成熟异常。
- Oils dis-coved in Bohai Bay Basin consist of a complete maturation series of immature, low mature, mature and high mature ones. 渤海湾盆地发现的原油从未成熟、低成熟、成熟至高成熟组成了一个完整的熟化序列;
- The crude oil mainly comes from the source rock of Fengcheng group, some are the maturation crude oil, the other are high maturation condensate. 原油主要是风城组来源的,既有成熟时期的原油,又有高成熟时期的凝析油。
- The second period is the Fengcheng group high mature hydrocarbon in late Triassic to early Jurassic, which is the important exploration target. 第二期是风城组高成熟油气,成藏期在晚三叠世到早侏罗世,也是勘探的对象之一;
- PEG could significantly improve the germination energy of alder seed, with its extent relating to the maturity level of seed, no effect of PEG was found on the relative higher maturity seed of alder. PEG能显著提高桤木种子的发芽势,提高发芽率的效用与种子的成熟度有关,对成熟度高的种子影响不显著;
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。