- The production of high strength and toughness steel plates used for pipeline by Nb microalloying process was introduced. 阐述了利用铌微合金化技术生产高强韧性管线用钢板的工艺技术。
- High strength and high toughness steel plate 高强韧性钢板
- Co -free high strength high toughness steels 无钴高强高韧钢
- Especial Hole Manufacturing Technology of Super High Strength and Toughness Steel 超高强高韧钢异型深盲孔加工
- Mechanical properties of Co-free high strength and high toughness steels 无钴高强韧钢力学性能研究
- Exploitation on Crankshaft Material of As-cast High Strength Toughness Ductile Iron 铸态高强韧球铁曲轴材质的开发
- Experimental results show that meta-bainited cast steel is a new type cast steel which has high strength, hardness and toughness. 结果表明,准贝氏体铸钢具有高强度、高硬度、高韧性等特点,是一种新型铸造合金。
- This article introduces the development, production andapplication of Baosteel X65 high strength and high toughness pipeline steel . 介绍了宝钢发展X65高强度高韧性管线钢所进行的研制、生产及应用情况。
- The paper introduces a developed liner steel adaptable to mediun-small ball mill with such performance as high strength,high hardness and excellent toughness. 叙述了研制一种用于中小型球磨机的衬板的方法,该衬板具有高的强度和硬度,同时也具有较好的韧性。
- The quenched and tempered steel WH80Q offers high strength, excellent low temperature impact toughness, lamellar tearing resistance and lower aging sensitivity factor. 舞钢研制开发的调质钢WH80Q具有高强度、良好的低温冲击韧性、抗层状撕裂性能、较低的时效敏感性系数。
- Plate light weight,high strength,toughness,WFD to transport and construction. 板材重量轻、强度高、韧性好,易于搬运和施工。
- Taking the LGP spherical tank of high strength steel as an ohject. 球形储罐由于不断发生球罐开裂,泄漏事故,影响了球罐发展。
- Feature: All HASE safes are constructed from tough steel plates. 详细说明:特点: 全线防火由精钢制成;
- Stainless steel possess good hardness and high strength. 不锈钢硬度大,强度高。
- It consists of high strength pp woven cloth. 袋体是高强度的聚丙烯塑料编织布,袋口有吊带,方便吊装操作。
- High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire. 高强力合成线绳加螺旋金属丝。
- Type: High Strength Cold Work Tool Steels. 类型:高强度冷作工具钢。
- The results show that the punch possessed by high strength hardness, toughness and rational or best length can be substituted for high speed steel to make holes at high quality and speed, with as many as 8000 holes per punch. 结果表明:具有高强度、高硬度、足够韧性和合理甚至最佳长度的冲头可以代替高速钢麻花钻头高质、高效成孔,其冲孔数量可达8000个/根。
- Economic strength tough, strong technical force, is Suriname's economic zone in Changzhou Wujin the largest mining lamp production base. 经济实力强硬,技术力量雄厚,是苏南经济带常州武进区最大的工矿灯生产基地。
- All steel assembly structure with high strength, strong anti-impact ability. 全钢组合结构,强度高,耐冲击能力强。