- high speed deformable mirror 高速可变形反射镜
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。
- We rounded the corner at high speed. 我们以高速度绕过拐角。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。
- It's unlimited to drive cars at high speed in country. 在乡村开快车没有限制。
- Based on the experience of adaptive optics application in high power laser systems, a deformable mirror located at cavity mirror can largely improve the dynamic range of correction aberrations. 摘要根据在大型高功率固体激光装置中自适应光学技术的应用研究,将变形镜置于腔镜位置,有利于提高自适应光学系统的校正动态范围。
- The loud, roaring noise of an engine operating at high speed. 呜呜声高速运转的机器的高且喧闹的噪音
- The train was rolling at high speed. 火车在高速行驶。
- A computer simulation for deformable mirror wavefront recovery of a 37-element adoptive optics system is reported. 报道了以37单元自适应光学系统为原型的波前校正计算机仿真模型。
- We must build our country at high speed. 我们必须高速度地建设国家。
- It's dangerous to turn a corner at high speed. 高速转弯很危险。
- When the deformable mirror is drived by the cosinoidal signal, the response equilibrium displacement is frequency doubling cosinoidal. 当变形镜由余弦电压驱动时,平衡位移的响应为2倍频的余弦信号;
- And the effect of mismatch between bimorph deformable mirror and the sub-apertures of Shack-Hartmann sensor is analyzed. 最后分析了哈特曼传感器与双压电片变形镜之间的对准误差对实验结果的影响。
- Sent out with or moving at high speed. 快递的快速寄出的或移动的
- Based on several stochastic parallel optimization control algorithms, an adaptive optics system with a 32-element deformable mirror was simulated. 以32单元变形镜为校正器,基于多种随机并行优化算法建立自适应光学系统仿真模型。
- Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。
- A prototype of 20-element bimorph deformable mirror is designed and fabricated in order to verify the process and investigate its basic characters. 为验证工艺的可行性和了解双压电片变形反射镜的性能, 制造了一块20单元的试验样镜。
- We rounded the comer at high speed. 我们高速绕过拐角。
- The wavefront reconstructing is bound to be influenced by the subaperture partition manner based on certain deformable mirror in adaptive optics. 自适应光学中,对于一定的变形镜,波前探测器子孔径的划分方式将对波前重构产生影响。