- PBL education must be backed with high quality education resources. 构建优质教学资源是PBL教学的保障;
- UMASS Amherst is probably the best public school in Massachusetts. You can receive high quality education at a good price. 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校可算是马萨诸塞州最好的公立大学。教学质量优秀,费用相对低廉。
- Objective We carry through high quality education in the teaching of histology and embryology. 本研究的目的是在组织学与胚胎学课程教学中实施素质教育。
- It pointed out that only combined with quality education in teaching pharmacy could culture the students to become pharmacological professionals with high quality. 指出,只有结合素质教育进行药学教学,才能培养出综合素质较高的药学专业学生。
- So only by improving teachers" academic ability can the high quality education and the substaintial development of thehigh-quality education be ensured . 只有教师专业水平的不断提高,才能保证教育质量的提高和优质教育的持续发展。
- For the free,information based market economy of tomorrow,investment in high quality education is the single most important initiative that we can take to ensure sustained success. 面对越来越开放、以资讯为主的自由市场经济体系,香港若要继续创造骄人的成绩,首要任务,就是在教育上作出投资,大力发展优质教育。
- VSO works with partners to enable educational institutions and systems to provide high quality education for all, and to overcome the barriers that currently prevent this. VSO和诸多合作者共事,促进教育系统和机构提供给大众具质量的教育,同时解决阻碍达到此目的的各种障碍。
- High quality education resources 优质教育资源
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。
- Their merchandise is of high quality. 他们的货物质量很好。
- The harmonica is of very high quality. 那个口琴质量很好。
- Respondents also perceive that they can achieve higher quality educational outcomes in the distance-learning environment. 调查对象也认识到,在远程学习环境中,他们可以获得高质量的学习成果。
- EF remains committed to breaking down barriers of language, culture and geography by providing the highest quality educational experiences. EF英孚教育秉承打破语言、文化和地域障碍的理念,使学员体验最高质量的英语教学经历。
- I'm used to high quality and won't take second-best. 我用惯高质量的东西,差一点儿的都不行。
- It pay in the long run to buy goods of high quality. 终究还是买高质量的物品值得。
- But considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable. 不过鉴于产品的优良质量,我们的价格非常合理。
- introduction of high quality educational resources 引进优质教育资源
- The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality. 珍珠光泽一种高品质珍珠所特有光泽
- The same can be said of high quality civic education. 这样的例子同样适用于高质量的公民教育。
- Evaluation Of Quality Education In School P.E. 学校体育教育的素质教育价值审视。